Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

The Murdoch Deception


Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph Propaganda Machine Running Overtime

img_4791“Refusing to vaccinate is akin to child abuse” – Yes, they really did say that! 

By General Maddox.

Another so called “Journalist” from the Daily Telegraph, a Murdoch propaganda rag, has written a deplorable storyattacking parents who support freedom of choice when it comes to vaccination.

This time instead of calling parents “baby killers” and “terrorists” like the Daily Telegraph’s Claire Harvey did, Maria Billias shoots from the hip and calls freedom of choice supporters “child abusers”. Her article has no supporting evidence or links for readers to visit for any facts whatsoever. It’s merely an opinion piece aimed at fomenting hatred and division amongst the anti-vaccination/freedom of choice crowd and the pro-vax crowd.

The article also states that parents whom choose not to inject toxic substances into the bloodstream of their children are also guilty of neglecting their safety. It makes you wonder if this woman has any idea what are in the vaccines she’s so eager for everyone to have. Even most GP’s and nurses can’t tell you what’s in them.

In my research, what I can confirm is that it’s the parents of unvaccinated children who can tell you what the vaccine ingredients are AND what damage said substances do to the adult human body as well as infants.

People such as this Maria Billias can only attack the anti-vax parents because they lack the ability to produce any factual information to back up their claims. They resort to ad hominem attacks and name calling. Such as…

crackpot vaccination conspiracists 


a bunch of imbeciles 

Feel free to see it for yourselves in the article linked to above. The quotes aren’t taken out of context either. This is apparently what passes for journalism these days.

This is a clear and often used tactic of the Murdoch propaganda machine. Below is a great documentary to watch on the subject.

Another noteworthy point to mention is the comment section of the aforementioned article. There is major censorship happening on behalf of the comment moderators. Not due to bad language or inappropriate comments but due to an overwhelming response of the anti-vax groups posting rebuttals to every point made by the article author.

Many of these rebuttals contain links to back up what the commentor is eloquently saying yet we see many abusive pro-vax comments easily making their way passed the moderators. How do we know this? Because the commentors are saving their responses and sharing them among the anti-vax social media groups and exposing the fact that any information that seeks to contradict the status quo will not be tollerated by Murdoch’s censor goons.

Below are two rebuttals that may not make it through the censorship net but need to be expressed. Please take the time to read them as the information is excellent:

Comment 1) 

Here is my comment on this horrible article – one in a string of horrible articles. I doubt very much that it will be approved, but you never know…
This journalist appears to be as misinformed about the law as she is about the scientific evidence behind vaccination. She states that NSW passed a No Jab No Play law. They did not. In fact, the NSW Parliament during debate on proposed legislation that is similar to what was eventually passed in Victoria, stated that bringing these laws in would leave the government open to anti-discrimination lawsuits. And they were right. And hopefully, those lawsuits will be starting up in Victoria shortly.
The Australian Vaccination-Skeptics Network is currently awaiting a barrister’s advice regarding the possibility of taking a case to the High Court of Australia to overturn No Jab No Pay legislation that discriminates against loving and well-informed parents who have made informed choices not to follow the government’s full vaccination schedule. Visit to find out more about this effort.
The fact is – there is no such thing as vaccine-induced herd immunity. Our vaccination rates have never been higher and our rate of pertussis (whooping cough) has been higher per capita in the last few years than it was before mass vaccination was introduced to Australia in 1953. Lack of vaccination is not the reason – the vaccine itself apparently increases susceptibility to b. parapertussis – a different form of the bacteria that causes whooping cough. In addition, it appears to have been responsible for causing the pertussis bacteria to mutate to the point where today, 87% of pertussis cases in Australia are being caused by a strain of the bacteria that is not contained in the vaccine. Yet the ignorant media is blaming the unvaccinated!
And when the measles vaccine was introduced in the US in 1963, doctors said the disease would be wiped out within a decade. More than 50 years later, with a vaccination rate of well over 90%, measles is still with us – and it is affecting the fully-vaccinated.
You talk about the 6 month old baby who was hospitalised with measles. Prior to measles vaccination, the disease was nearly unheard of in infants because unvaccinated parents who had contracted measles as children were able to pass on very strong measles protection to their unborn children in the womb. This protection lasted for between 15 and 18 months after birth meaning that young babies – who were the most at risk of serious problems from measles should they contract it during this time – would not do so until they were older. Then, they would also get lifelong protection from measles (a benefit the vaccine cannot provide) and they could pass this same protection on to their own children.
Vaccinated parents give birth to babies who are unprotected – even if the parents themselves contracted measles after vaccination – leading to measles becoming more common in infancy for the first time in recorded history.
If vaccines worked – if they truly provided the protection they promise – the vaccinated would not have to be concerned about contracting illnesses they had been vaccinated against. And since the stated vaccine effectiveness (if you can believe statistics promulgated by the drug companies that manufacture and profit from these products) is between 17% (for last year’s flu vaccine) and 80% and this supposed protection lasts from 6 months to 10 years, please explain how vaccination could EVER claim to provide herd immunity when most of those who were vaccinated are not and never were immune to disease. True immunity means lifelong protection. No vaccine can give you that. Only contracting the illness and recovering from it – something the human race has done for millennia – can make you immune.
If a vaccinated child gets sick with something they were vaccinated against, that is a case of vaccine failure – nothing more and nothing less. If vaccines only protect you up to the point where you are exposed to the virus or bacteria – then they haven’t protected you at all.
The title of this article should have been – refusing to obey the orders of the Murdoch media can get you charged with child abuse – because that is far closer to the truth in this matter. The government passes legislation – not based on fact or need – but based on pressure from the media that is incredibly reliant on pharmaceutical advertising money. Is this a conspiracy theory? No! This is a conspiracy – but there is nothing theoretical about it.
As I send this comment, I know that it will be followed by a slew of posts from anti-freedom campaigners attacking me personally. This is a serious subject however and it deserves serious discussion with both sides given a voice and all available evidence presented to those seeking to make an informed decision. Personal attacks have no place in this debate.

Comment 2) 

One of the ostensible purposes of vaccination is to protect those who can’t be vaccinated because they’re immunocompromised – like, say, a cancer patient, or others with severe, chronic disorders. Last week the USCDC offered the public an online quiz, which provided you with a list of vaccines you need, based on the answers to the health questions asked. The questions were few: age; sex; and one which asked you to choose from a list of disorders which ones you may have. As a test of the espoused tenet that the immunocompromised can’t be vaccinated, I checked the boxes for heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, cancer and HIV with CD4 count greater than or equal to 200. Surely I wouldn’t be advised to vaccinate…
Based on my response, I was told I need the Hep A, Hep B, flu, meningitis, pneumococcal and Tdap vaccines.
It would be funny, if it weren’t such blatant evidence of the falsity of the vaccination paradigm. Everything we’re told in the mainstream about vaccination, from the threat of the associated diseases to the extent of severe vaccine injury to the effectiveness of the vaccines, is false. As blatantly, articles such as this are terribly misleading, in that there’s no mention of the thousands of cases of severe, sometimes fatal, reactions to vaccines. The equation’s simple, really: once you’re aware that your child can be permanently disabled, brain damaged or killed by a vaccine, with no way to accurately predict the probability on an individual by individual, shot by shot basis, you must look seriously at the associated diseases, to assess whether they’re actually a threat.
Measles: in 1960 in the U.S., before the advent of the vaccine, the complications rate for measles was around 1 in 1,000 cases, the mortality rate, 1 in 10,000. That’s a textbook definition of a benign disease; one in which complications aren’t expected, and complete recovery is usual. Critically, parents must consider that when 9,999 out of 10,000 measles patients recover, there’s more involved in the one death than just the measles virus; that there’s serious immune system weakness involved, whether from malnutrition or other cause; that complications and death don’t follow the virus or bacterium, they follow the person; that in well fed and housed populations, the vaccine associated diseases are simply not a threat.
Beware. The lion’s share of vaccine injuries occur well after the withdrawal of the syringe needle. If they occurred, instead, as the needle was withdrawn, no doctor would dare suggest vaccinating.
The proposal set forth in this article is draconian, based on misinformation and a trust in supposed health authorities who even a modicum of research outside the mainstream box – and yes, outside of Google – shows are not trustworthy.


Murdoch murderer:

 Brian Deer is a skeptic and a reporter who savaged Dr Wakefield from the pages of the Sunday Times, a paper managed by Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch who was on the board of GlaxoSmithKline which makes the MMR vaccine. Deer researched his case with the help of Medico-Legal Investigations, a private enquiry company whose only source of funding is the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.  Deer was both the journalist writing on Wakefield and the person who brought a case of fitness to practice medicine to the General Medical Council, and then wrote about the proceedings as well.  To understand Callous nature of sociopath Brian Deer please watch this documentary Selective Hearing:

James Murdoch’s arrangements haunt vaccination laws:

Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story:

First they came for the Trade Unionist and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist. 

Then they came for the Refugees , and I did not speak out— 

Because I was not a Refugee.

Then they came for the Bikies, and I did not speak out— 

Because I was not a Bikie 

Then they came for our rights to vaccinated or not vaccinate—

and there was no one left to speak for my children because I failed to stand up for the injustice of Freedom of Choice in the 2015 ‘No Jab No Way’ illegitimate policy.

If you want to understand how media backed by Big Pharma  have deceived and confused the Australian public please read this article about public relations strategies.  They have led the gullible Australian public to  believe that loving caring parents who choose to not vaccinate their Kids are quacks, terrorists, baby killers. This No Jab No pay campaign is a well contrived multi million dollar advertising campaign financed by Pharmaceutical companies and is not in the interest of the health of our kids:

 Daily telegraph presstitutes paid to support the real baby killers:

9) Boycott Murdoch it’s hard but worth it for the healthy future of young Australians:

The evidence of sleazy and scandalous behavior of the Murdoch papers has expanded geometrically.”

 No Jab No Pay policy was started by Murdoch and he has investments in Glaxosmith Kline.  So we are supposed to trust these companies with our children lives or what? Lifelong customers, its all they want:

This article looks into the murky past of Daily Telegraph  journalist Jane Hansen . She is one of the non science trained Journalists leading this horrific, anti-human-rights campaign against  children who are not vaccinated with state-mandated chemicals (which include mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and other toxins) be denied interaction with other children:

Claire Harvey compares anti vaxxers to ISIS. We can now make the assumption that she’s enjoying a  bonus from her boss and the  Big Pharmaceutical companies for all her work in lobbying for No Jab No Pay No Play to become a government policy:

 Claire Harvey claims the No Jab No Pay  campaign started when she was looking for childcare for her then soon-to-be-born child, and discovered parents could not provide peanut butter sandwiches, “but you can bring in diphtheria,” because of immunisation laws.  

Who thinks that’s the PR spin story ? Perhaps she was offered a bonus from Glaxosmithkline to push their agenda $$$ for mandatory vaccination in Australia for pre schools?

Murdoch likes to work with his Global alliance of friends at GAVI, Bill & melinda Gates foundation and big Pharmaceuticals to doing vaccine clinical trails in Vietnam and Fiji. I’m curious if his subjects are still alive:

Boycotting Murdoch is harder than what you think.. Here is what he owns:

images (Jul-17-2011 14:17)

Murdoch and Vaccines – Exposure of Murdoch’s Crimes Open Up A Much Larger Story

By William Newton Special to

“… the evidence of sleazy and scandalous behavior of the Murdoch papers has expanded geometrically.” Michael Collins

(LONDON) – Rupert Murdoch’s news empire faces intense media and legal scrutiny.

Current revelations focus on Murdoch’s News of the World hacking into the Dowler family’s voice messages during the kidnapping case their 12 year old daughter Milly, and Murdoch’s London Times’ allegedly having illegally obtained the financial, property and medical information of former UK Labour Party Leader Gordon Brown during the time he was chancellor. BBC – “Gordon Brown ‘targeted’ by Sunday Times” Murdoch’s Last Pillar of Legitimacy Crumbles. A 2010 exposure of Murdoch’s Times of London revealed that it had published forged documents purporting to show that Iran planned to do nuclear experiments for an atomic weapon, and as Michael Collins at Oped News points out, it was Murdoch’s “drumbeat of misinformation” that helped mislead people into believing that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attack, supporting Bush’s invasion of Iraq, though intelligence was “unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.” Senate Intelligence Committee Unveils Final Phase II Reports on Prewar Iraq Intelligence June 5, 2008

But what has not yet been covered is the media circus Murdoch’s London Times created internationally as it fabricated lies against a respected British doctor, with consequences that could impact the lives of billions of children in the world.

The London Time’s headlines read:

Callous, unethical and dishonest’: Dr Andrew Wakefield

MMR scare doctor Andrew Wakefield makes fortune in US.

Andrew Wakefield MMR – the investigation – by Brian Deer

London Times : MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield ‘abused his position of trust.’

Andrew Wakefield was a respected British gastroenterologist who began research into digestive problems in autistic children in collaboration with other doctors in the UK, after being called by parents seeking help.  His work indicated severe digestive issues and he asked for more investigation of the MMR vaccine.

Brian Deer is the reporter who savaged Dr Wakefield from the pages of the Sunday Times, a paper managed by Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch who is on the board of GlaxoSmithKline which makes the MMR.  Deer researched his case with the help of Medico-Legal Investigations a private enquiry company whose only source of funding is the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.  Deer was both the  journalist writing on Wakefield and the person to bring a case of fitness to practice medicine to the General Medical Council, and then wrote about the proceedings as well.   Parents whose children were treated by Wakefield were denied the right to be heard before a real court on claims against the vaccine manufacturers.  The High Court judge who denied them was Sir Nigel Davis, whose brother is an executive board member of Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet which removed Wakefield’s paper on the subject, published in 1998, and is on the Board of GlaxoSmithKline.

With the London Times given Brian Deer free reign to attack Wakefield, media closed in like shark.  Coincidentally, the head of Reuters serves on the Board of Merck, and Miriam Stoppard who writes at the Daily Mirror Newspaper is married to Sir Christopher Hogg, who was Chairman of GlaxoSmith Kline un 2004.  Dr Kumar, the Chairman of the GMC Fitness to Practice Panel who ruled against Dr Andrew Wakefield, would not answer questions about his shareholdings in GlaxoSmithKline, and said there was no such thing as vaccine damage as well as saying that any parents who claimed that their children had suffered such, would be treated with scorn and contempt

Wakefield lost his license to practice and left the UK.  What had he done that Murdoch’s machine went into action, creating fictions about him, getting his work pulled from the Lancet, getting him brought before the GMC to ultimately lose his license?  Wakefield suggested that until further studies, that the measles vaccine be given as a separate vaccine rather than in combination as the MMR (measles, Mumps, Rubella).  He did not suggest that children not take a measles vaccine, only that there be caution until the MMR was investigate further. This reasonable suggestion was met immediately by the single measles vaccines being taken off the market.

imgresWakefield’s work with Professor Walker-Smith and Professor Simon Murch had touched a nerve.  The pharmaceutical industry, an industry that makes 6 times more than any industry on Wall Street is heavily invested in vaccines (in the US, the companies do not have to prove any efficacy to get FDA approval) and is moving on every front to have their product mandated.  To suggest the one of the main vaccines for children might be destroying them mentally and physiologically was a problem, yet the study showed severe digestive system damage and mitochondrial dysfunction.  Mitochondrial dysfunction has been confirmed by other studies but taking down Wakefield in a big way became a means of discrediting anyone questioning vaccines.  Wakefield was cast as a fraud and so all those voicing concerns were dismissed by reference to him.

This documentary gives background and can allow people to judge the credibility of Murdoch’s reporter for themselves.

To understand how serious all this is, and thus how much is at stake for millions if not billions of children, one need to appreciate how profound it is for mitochondria not to function normally.

“Children with autism are far more likely to have deficits in their ability to produce cellular energy than are typically developing children, a new study by researchers at UC Davis has found. The study, published in theJournal of the American Medical Association(JAMA), found that cumulative damage and oxidative stress in mitochondria, the cell’s energy producer, could influence both the onset and severity of autism, suggesting a strong link between autism and mitochondrial defects.  …. Mitochondria are the primary source of energy production in cells and carry their own set of genetic instructions, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), to carry out aerobic respiration. Dysfunction in mitochondria already is associated with a number of other neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia ….”

Mitochondrial disorders may be caused by mutations, acquired or inherited, in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or in nuclear genes that code for mitochondrial components. They may also be the result of acquired mitochondrial dysfunction due to adverse effects of drugs, infections, or other environmental causes (see MeSH). … Defects in nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes are associated with hundreds of clinical disease phenotypes including anemia, dementia, hypertension, lymphoma, retinopathy, seizures, and neurodevelopmental disorders.[2]

In opening up the issue mitochrondrial dysfunction and urging a shift back to a single measles vaccine (an earlier vaccine), Wakefield may have stumbled onto something explosive.  For the MMR vaccine appears to be the third generation of vaccines, what are called DNA vaccines. They involve shooting genetically engineered material into the body, often using gene guns that were used into the genetic engineering of seeds, in order to achieve DNA “uptake.”

From Wikipedia on DNA Vaccines:

Methods of delivery:

The two most popular approaches are injection of DNA in saline, using a standard hypodermic needle, and gene gun delivery. … Injection in saline is normally conducted intramuscularly (IM) in skeletal muscle, or intradermally (ID), with DNA being delivered to the extracellular spaces. This can be assisted by electroporation[19]; by temporarily damaging muscle fibres with myotoxins such as bupivacaine; or by using hypertonic solutions of saline or sucrose.[2] Immune responses to this method of delivery can be affected by many factors, including needle type,[8] needle alignment, speed of injection, volume of injection, muscle type, and age, sex and physiological condition of the animal being injected.[2]

Gene gun delivery, the other commonly used method of delivery, ballistically accelerates plasmid DNA (pDNA) that has been adsorbed onto gold or tungsten microparticles into the target cells, using compressed helium as an accelerant.[2][12]

Alternative delivery methods have included aerosol instillation of naked DNA on mucosal surfaces, such as the nasal and lung mucosa,[12]and topical administration of pDNA to the eye[20] and vaginal mucosa.[12] Mucosal surface delivery has also been achieved using cationic liposome-DNA preparations,[1] biodegradablemicrospheres,[21][12] attenuated Shigella or Listeria vectors for oral administration to the intestinal mucosa,[22] and recombinant [genetically engineered] adenovirus vectors.[12]

The DNA vaccines depend on DNA uptake. However, “[t]his phenomenon has not been the subject of much research, so the actual mechanism of DNA uptake is not known.”

And what is meant by DNA uptake?  Does it mean as it sounds, that genetically engineered material is taken up by the DNA of those being injected with it?  And if so, does that mean that these vaccines are genetically altering (or “engineering”) those receiving the vaccines?

Is it possible that the mitochondrial dysfunction seen in autistic children is a result of their DNA having been compromised?  The new DNA vaccines derive from failed gene therapy.  Are the new DNA vaccines a continuation of experiments in genetic engineering, being conducted on millions of children?

Cloned animals also suffer from mitochondrial dysfunction.

In the cloned animals, mitochondria are transferred to the eggs along with the nucleus from somatic cells, leading to a mixture of mitochondrial genes from egg and the somatic cell from which the nucleus was obtained. This mixture of mitochondria (called heteroplasmy) introduces incompatibility between mitochondrial and nuclear genetic material that contribute to the high rates of abnormalities and deaths among clones and leads to cell and tissue disruption as the cloned animal develops. The impact of mitochondrial dysfunction is great because the mitochondria provide energy for the cells.

And It seems that people have already been genetically engineered.  Dr. Joseph Cummins, professor emeritus of biology at the University of Western Ontario, says “It seems likely that the transplants are going on, but very, very quietly in a regulatory vacuum, perhaps.”

Genetically-Engineered Humans. Barritt, Jason A., et al. “Mitochondria in Human Offspring Derived From Ooplasmic Transplantation.” Human Reproduction, 16.3 (2001), pp 513-6. •

“First Cases of Human Germline Genetic Modification Announced.” British Medical Journal 322 (12 May 2001), p 1144. •

“Genetically Modified Human Babies?” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 8 May 2001. • Hawes, S.M., C. Sapienza, and K. E. Latham.

“Ooplasmic Donation in Humans: The Potential for Epigenic Modifications.” Human Reproduction 17.4 (2002), 850-2. • Hill, Amelia.

“Horror at ‘Three Parent Foetus’ Gene Disorders.” Observer (London), 20 May 2001.

The 23 new DNA vaccines have been linked to autism.  Are the new DNA vaccines altering and/or damaging children’s DNA, the code of life?

An overview of Murdoch’s connections to the pharmaceutical industry/international bankers cannot answer that question but at a minimum suggest serious problems with vaccines with the greatest wealth power in the world behind promoting them, nonetheless.

Lloyd Blankfein is co-chairman with media mogul Rupert Murdoch in the David Rockefeller-founded Partnership for New York City (PFNYC),15 chartered by the Royal Family of England. This group is currently advancing a world leading biotechnology trust, heavily invested in “genetopharmaceuticals” and flu vaccine genetic engineering. [Emphasis added.]

Members of this group, along with George Soros-directed assets, virtually monopolized the genetics industry during the 1990s, culminating in the corporate privatization of the Human Genome Project.19

Involvement of these economic leaders in the vaccine industry is most revealing and even shocking as the following facts evidence:

The Baxter Corporation, indicted for spreading HIV contaminated blood products during the late 1970s through the 1980s; a cheap lethal heparin substitute in 2008;21 and H5N1 contaminated seasonal flu vaccines in early 2009,22 was directed by Mr. Tony White, Soros’s appointee to lead the privately owned Applera Company following their obvious heist of the Human Genome Project during the late 1990s. The sudden privatization of what had previously been public, non-profit, patentable property, also implicated co-sponsors–the U.S. Department of Energy and The Wellcome Trust of London.19,

Today, the American Baxter Company is a major H1N1 vaccine maker for European nations, and at the center of controversy concerning the expanding outbreak of recombinant H1N1-hemorrhagic pneumonia. Many experts conclude the 2009 H1N1 triple reassortant sourced from a lab,25 similar to its 1977 relative.

Rupert Murdoch’s mother, Elizabeth, Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, and daughter-in-law, Sarah Murdoch, steward the Royal Women’s Hospital and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, respectively, in Australia. They oversaw their staff conduct H1N1 vaccine trials on infants, children, and pregnant women in 2009, collaborating with Merck’s subsidiary, CSL. Furthermore, Rupert Murdoch’s son James oversees GlaxoSmithKline, another major H1N1 vaccine maker. Regarding efficacy, and more importantly safety, the CSL/Merck H1N1 vaccine tested in Murdoch-family directed facilities was simply assumed to be both safe and effective according to its package insert. The new and old vaccine had “no controlled clinical studies demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with” the company’s seasonal flu vaccine, “AFLURIA.” Likewise, vaccine safety was speciously assumed following  assessment days comparing those who received AFLURIA (with or without mercury preservative, confounding everyone’s analysis) with those who received some undisclosed “European-licensed trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine as an active control” This “active control” was preserved with mercury.

In plainer language, an unidentified arguably neurotoxic vaccine served as a “placebo control.” Since no inactive placebo control such as saline was used, the study design was obviously flawed, confounding, biased, and arguably fraudulent. It may have precluded observing statistically significant differences between experimental and control groups falsely evidencing safety from lacking adverse event differentials. This intentional obfuscation exclusively benefited those with conflicting interests, and/or those inclined to rely on safety assurances to the detriment of public health and medical science. Yet, Murdoch-directed News Corp. assets heavily promoted these risky H1N1 vaccines as urgently required, safe and effective.

Curiously, in 2008, The Wellcome Trust of London’s Biocentre, the UK’s largest non-governmental source of funds for biomedical research, created a special grant program to heavily fund research into alleged mysterious neurodegenerative diseases linked by censored science to thimerosal mercury.

The Wellcome Trust’s alleged divestment of conflicting pharmaceutical interests following Burroughs Wellcome’s sale of stock to Glaxo PLC, created GlaxoWellcome, currently GlaxoSmithKlein. This allegation of “divestment” is discredited by more than the fund’s involvement in the Human Genome Project’s pirating, implicating George Soros and David Rockefeller-linked investors. Again, GlaxoSmithKlein makes the H1N1 vaccine, and Rupert Murdoch’s heir apparent, James Murdoch, oversees their Board of Directors.

And that’s not all. . . Rupert Murdoch’s Co-Chairman of the PFNYC, Lloyd Blankfein is a major shareholder in the Goldman-Sachs/AstraZeneca partnership. He directed AstraZeneca’s $15 billion acquisition of MedImmune, the H1N1 FLUMIST maker.

Besides James and Rupert’s News Corp directing film makers Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Brothers, the Western World’s  mass-mediated mind-set is reinforced by PFNYC “partner” and Reuters News Service CEO, Thomas H. Glocer. Glocer sits on the Board of Directors of Merck & Company, whose (CSL) H1N1 vaccine, and (Merck’s) Pneumovax vaccine, is broadening markets as the main ingredient–laboratory engineered H1N1 virus–mutates, as in the Ukraine, becoming more deadly.

Additionally, those poorly-paid inadequately-trained pharmacists administering vaccines in supermarkets, draining doctors’ revenue streams, reflect the “hostile takeover” of clinical medicine by Goldman-Sachs’s limited partner, PFNYC “Corporate Partner,” and world-leading “buyout firm,” Kolberg, Kravitz, Roberts & Company (KKR) This “immunization” industry-altering practice is promoted as a “cost-saving” invention according to KKR’s director of Safeway supermarkets, Steven Burd, founder of the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform (CAHR),45 popularly called “Obamacare.”

Whatever the answer to questions about the new DNA vaccines, it is obvious that Rupert Murdoch’s connections to the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines are very deep.  No investigation of Murdoch’s crimes should omit his efforts to use his media empire to prevent exposure of potential dangers from the MMR vaccines and possibly all the new DNA vaccines.

Murdoch and Vaccines – Exposure of Murdoch’s Crimes Open Up A Much Larger Story

James Murdoch is still supported by GlaxoSmithKline

james_28-1James Murdoch, the beleagured News Corporation executive, has received a ringing endorsement from MMR manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline according to Reuters news agency on Friday. GSK who appointed him to their board in February 2009 insist Murdoch has made “a strong contribution” to the group and received share payments worth $158,000 in 2010. Murdoch was appointed to the board of the pharmaceutical manufacturer with a brief to “review…external issues that might have the potential for serious impact upon the group’s business and reputation.”Within a fortnight of his appointment News International had published at least 5 articles attacking MMR researcher Andrew Wakefield’s integrity (one , two , three , four and five )

The accusations, while flawed, were devastating to Wakefield’s reputation. According to the Sunday Times, and its journalist, Brian Deer Wakefield was singly guilty of fabricating the data in the Lancet paper of 1998 although none of his 12 co-authors have ever repudiated it and one of them, histopathologist, Susan Davies subsequently wrote to British Medical Journal rebutting Deer’s interpretation of her evidence before the General Medical Council. Deer’s allegations were also based on his own inexpert interpretation of GP records which were never available to the authors of the paper. The allegations which were re-cycled by British Medical Journal were rebutted by Wakefield in his book Callous Disregard, and frequently in articles published on Age of Autism (AofA The Big Lie , AofA Time To Revisit Deer’s Claims , AofA Part 2 Time To Revisit Deer’s Claims ). In contrast to normal academic journal policy BMJ have adopted a legalistic defence of its allegations and (more here). Furthermore, they were forced to admit under pressure that they had undisclosed conflicts with MMR manufacturers Merck and GSK. Read More Here:


Murdoch behind mandatory vaccination push in Australia

In a speech to a dinner held by the free market Institute of Public Affairs in 2013, the prime minister praised Rupert Murdoch as one of the top three Australians who have “most shaped the world” and said that the mogul’s publications “have borne his ideals but never his fingerprints.” However, the 84-year-old business magnate is not the only Murdoch who has reportedly influenced the fate of vaccines and has transformed diseases into the business model of vaccine companies such as GlaxoSmithKline.

James, the younger son of the media mogul joined Glaxo in 2009 as a non-executive director and sat on its ethics committee. The Chairman of the pharmaceutical company was delighted by the man’s record in corporate responsibility, but Age of Autism wrote that, within two weeks of his appointment, News international had published at least five articles attacking the integrity of MMR researcher Andrew Wakefield.

The Sunday Times and its journalist Brian Deen accused the researcher of fabricating the data in the 1998 Lancet which suggested that there is a connection between MMR vaccine and autism. Wakefield was the victim of a smear campaign in the U.K. funded by GSK and aided by the Murdoch media empire. The Sunday Times campaign against Wakefield started in 2003, when section editor Paul Nuki told Deen he needed “something big” on MMR.

Although the roots of this crusade against anti-vaxxers started more than ten years ago, the timing of the cascade of articles attacking MMR researcher’s integrity and James Murdoch’s 2009 appointment has been “too” perfect, some say. James was re-elected to the Glaxo board with 97 per cent of the votes cast, “but much has emerged about News Corp and its subsidiaries since,” Pharma Gossip noted. Read More Here:

Murdoch likes to also use attack dogs that pass themselves of as, Journalists. Jane Hansen is one of them, Hansen likes to use intimidation & bully tactics to push Murdoch’s vaccine agenda.

Veteran Journalist Jane Hansen linked to Cyber-bullies in Latest Media Coverage on Universal Medicine:

In response to ‘Jane Hansens’ Daily Telegraph, Feb 28th article…

She came in, not with an open mind of ethical journalism to hear peoples concerns from all sides and report on those findings, but rather with an “agenda”, preconcieved ideas, overwhelming bias, a one-sided ‘opinion’, prejudice and spiteful, condescending judgement of genuine people who have major concerns for their freedom of speech and the true wellbeing of their children… how is this considered ethical journalism and how does this benefit the people of of Australia??? Who does she ‘really represent?

Note: {from a little research on Hansen}

She seems to “specialize” in undermining “Natural Medicine”… and it’s all about “HER” and her “Opinion”…

And she likes her name in the Headline of each article…″>″>

So she’s definitely a total [aging female] narcissist with deep underlying insecurities – keep this in mind – and those kind people also have some dark skeletons in the closet like this…

Veteran Journalist Jane Hansen linked to Cyber-bullies in Latest Media Coverage on Universal Medicine

SENIOR News Ltd journalists appear to have knowingly aligned themselves with the author of a defamatory blog, Brisbane-based acupuncturist Esther Rockett, who has admitted to being depicted as a “windbag nuisance” by NSW public servants over a series of unfounded complaints made about Lismore-based complementary healing clinic Universal Medicine.“>“>Jane Hansen – linked to cyberbullies | Unimed Living…/”>…/janehansen

Jane Hansen – linked to cyberbullies. Jane Hansen, based in the Byron Shire, Australia, a journalist at the Murdoch owned SundayTelegraph, wrote a series of  …”>Jane Hansen – A seasoned journalist with a murky past …”>…

Aug 22, 2014 – Jane Hansen has reported having nightmares about events from her journalism past that haunt her to this day. … Jane Hansen Daily Telegraph  …”>Jane Hansen and Junk Food Journalism – My Meal with the …”> › – Smear Campaign

Mar 7, 2015 – I was told that these responses would appear in a similar format to the original article, again in the Sunday Telegraph. Jane Hansen then called  …“>Fans of the AVN – Jane Hansen is shockingly… – Facebook“>

Jane Hansen is shockingly unprofessional. Journalists are supposed to report, not proselytise. Read this quote: “I haven’t immunised my own children but I …
And whatever article she writes shows a pattern of an under -“lying” agenda…“>

Also of Note:

The Toilet Papers she works for are..

News Corp Australia (formerly News Limited) 

Which is owned by Rupert Murdoch…

The prime minister’s decision to strip welfare payments from parents who do not want to vaccinate their children may or may not have something to do with his friend Rupert Murdoch and his family’s strong connection with pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. The Canberra Times said in a January editorial that the prime minister does not need enemies “with friends like Rupert Murdoch.” Although the topic revolved around Mr Abbott’s chief of staff Peta Credlin, the idea is that the Murdoch family’s newspapers have taken the proverb ‘throw dirt enough, and some will stick’ to a new level.

However, the 84-year-old business magnate is not the only Murdoch who has reportedly influenced the fate of vaccines and has transformed diseases into the business model of vaccine companies such as GlaxoSmithKline. –

James, the younger son of the media mogul joined Glaxo in 2009 as a non-executive director and sat on its ethics committee.”>

Also note:

 Murdoch & Children’s vaccine research:

The Vaccine and Immunisation Research Group (VIRGo) at Murdoch Childrens Research Institute is an international centre for expertise in vaccine and immunisation research and has been a leading voice on the issue for over 20 years.”>

They also own a vaccine research and pharma company related to Swinbourne Uni in Vic… can’t find the info as yet…


 [February 2009 James Murdoch was appointed a non executive director with Glaxo SmithKline the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine and the current swine flu vaccine.  Currently (2010 Jan) serves as Chairman and Chief Executive of News Corporation, overseeing assets such as News International (British newspapers–The Times, Sunday Times, The Sun and News of the World).   Times journalist Brian Deer led the campaign against Dr Wakefield and filed the complaint that led to the Wakefield GMC Hearing,  an effort to suppress knowledge of the bowel disease and autism caused by the MMR vaccine, exposed in Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents’ Story.  ]

Sharon, Ariel  “Murdoch told of the time he took a group of editors from New York and London for a weekend at Ariel Sharon’s ranch. Sharon took them on a bird’s-eye tour of Israel aboard a helicopter gunship, flying over the Golan Heights, West Bank and settlements. “We saw the vulnerability of the country,” Murdoch said. “Not all New York newspapers feel the cause of Israel is all the news that’s fit to print,” he added. Rupert Murdoch’s televised statements on Israel

Investigative journalists, however, have discovered that Murdoch, who has a gentile public persona, is in fact a Jew, who is a front men for other much more powerful Zionist Jews: Michel Fribourg, Armand Hammer, and Edgar Bronfman, who prefer to remain out of the spotlight.381 The synergism between Jewish and Catholic interests is evidenced by the fact that the pope bestowed upon Murdoch the title of “Knight Commander of St. Gregory” for promoting the interests of the Roman Catholic Church. [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie

The most popular version of the new bibles is the New International Version (NIV). Reportedly, the NIV represents 45 % of all bibles sold.373 Dr. Virginia Mollenkott, the textual style editor for the NIV, is an admitted lesbian…………Rupert Murdoch owns the exclusive rights to the NIV.376 The NIV is published by Zondervan, which is owned by Murdoch’s News Corporation.377 Murdoch’s News Corporation also owns Harper Collins, the publisher of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible. La Vey is the founder of The Church Of Satan. He is reputed to have been a Jew, whose real name was Howard Levey.
The Catholic/Judaic/Babylonian androgynous god/goddess needs a bible to support its androgyny. The agents of the Catholic/Judaic/Babylonian religion have done that with an androgynous bible version. The book publisher Zondervan decided to add insult to injury and further muddy the pure water of God’s word with a variation of the New International Version (NIV), it calls Today’s New International Version (TNIV). Zondervan is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is a front man for powerful Jewish interests………..Radical feminist and lesbian author, Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, was stylistic consultant for the “original” New International Version (NIV). Mollenkott is also a major player in the push for gender-inclusive Bibles [such as theTNIV]. [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by Edward Hendrie

It may be because Tony Blair’s Children’s Minister Margaret Hodge (Oppenheimer)  was said to be totally incompetent; or that Peter Mandelson who is chief Trustee of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Children also seemed to be looking the other way. Yet their pal Rupert Murdoch was tapping the phones at these homes so if he knew why didn’t they? The whisper in some circles is that they were all in place to keep a lid on rather than expose goings on.  [2011 Oct] Death of a Showman: Jimmy Saville 1926-2011 by T Stokes

Yesterday, early outside the GMC, I watched Brian Deer being interviewed by Sky News, he said things about the hearing which seemed to me to be a product of his own fevered imagination, things that bore not the slightest relation to any reality I had observed. After the interview was over, I approached the Sky journalist who had carried out the interview and asked him politely whether or not, when the interview was run that evening, an announcement would be made of the place of James Murdoch, one of the family owners of Sky, on the board of GlaxoSmith Kline the vaccine manufacturer.
‘No’, the journalist said, already turning away from me. ‘We give a balanced account and there is no need for that kind of declaration’.
Obviously I had expected nothing more than this, but even so, I couldn’t help but be astounded again, at how crooked the contemporary world is and at what shysters these people who call themselves journalists are. [2010 Jan] Eye Witness Report from the UK GMC Wakefield, Walker-Smith, Murch Hearing By Martin

[2009 March] Andrew Wakefield’s Complaint Against the Sunday Times – The Times of London Retreats by John Stone  James Murdoch, was appointed to the board of MMR defendants GlaxoSmithKline

Robert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News and News Corporation is an old Australian Intelligence officer who worked for the CIA. He was gifted large amounts of money to dominate the world’s news, and others, like Robert Maxwell, were killed as a warning to the other media moguls to tow the line. How To Take Over the World. A Right Royal Con by Greg Hallett & Spymaster

Read More Here:


Rupert Murdoch’s news empire faces intense media and legal scrutiny.

 Current revelations focus on,

  • Murdoch’s News of the World hacking into the Dowler family’s voice messages during the kidnapping of their 12 year old daughter Milly

  • Murdoch’s London Times for allegedly having illegally obtained the financial, property and medical information of former UK Labour Party Leader Gordon Brown during the time he was chancellor

    A 2010 exposure of Murdoch’s Times of London revealed that,

  • it had published forged documents purporting to show that Iran planned to do nuclear experiments for an atomic weapon

  • as Collins points out, it was Murdoch’s “drumbeat of misinformation” that helped mislead people into believing that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attack, supporting Bush’s invasion of Iraq, though intelligence was “unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent,” according to the Senate Intelligence Committee Unveils Final Phase II Reports on Prewar Iraq Intelligence from June 5, 2008

But what has not yet been covered is the media circus Murdoch’s London Times created internationally as it fabricated lies against a respected British doctor, with consequences that could impact the lives of billions of children in the world.

The London Times headlines read:

 Andrew Wakefield was a respected British gastroenterologist who began research into digestive problems in autistic children in collaboration with other doctors in the UK, after being called by parents seeking help.

 His work indicated severe digestive issues and he asked for more investigation of the MMR vaccine.

Brian Deer is the reporter who savaged Dr Wakefield from the pages of the Sunday Times, a paper managed by Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch who is on the board of GlaxoSmithKline which makes the MMR.

 Deer researched his case with the help of Medico-Legal Investigations, a private enquiry company whose only source of funding is the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. Deer was both the journalist writing on Wakefield and the person who brought a case of fitness to practice medicine to the General Medical Council, and then wrote about the proceedings as well.

Parents whose children were treated by Wakefield were denied the right to be heard before a real court on claims against the vaccine manufacturers.

 The High Court judge who denied them was Sir Nigel Davis, whose brother is an executive board member of Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet which removed Wakefield’s 1998 paper on the subject, and is on the Board of GlaxoSmithKline.

With the London Times giving Brian Deer free reign to attack Wakefield, media closed in like shark. Coincidentally, the head of Reuters serves on the Board of Merck, and Miriam Stoppard who writes at the Daily Mirror newspaper is married to Sir Christopher Hogg, who was Chairman of GlaxoSmith Kline in 2004.

 Dr Kumar, the Chairman of the GMC Fitness to Practice Panel who ruled against Dr Andrew Wakefield, would not answer questions about his shareholdings in GlaxoSmithKline, and said there was no such thing as vaccine damage and that any parents who claimed that their children had suffered such would be treated with scorn and contempt.

Wakefield lost his license to practice and left the UK. What had he done that Murdoch’s machine went into action, creating fictions about him, getting his work pulled from the Lancet, getting him brought before the GMC to ultimately lose his license?

Wakefield suggested that until further studies, the measles vaccine should be given as a separate vaccine rather than in combination as the MMR (measles, Mumps, Rubella). He did not suggest that children not take a measles vaccine, only that there be caution until the MMR was investigated further. This reasonable suggestion was met immediately by the single measles vaccines being taken off the market.

Wakefield’s work with Professor Walker-Smith and Professor Simon Murch had touched a nerve.

 The pharmaceutical industry, an industry that makes six times more than any industry on Wall Street is heavily invested in vaccines (in the US, the companies do not have to prove efficacy to get FDA approval) and is moving on every front to have their product mandated.

To suggest that one of the main vaccines for children might be destroying them mentally and physiologically was a problem, yet the study showed severe digestive system damage and mitochondrial dysfunction, as well. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been confirmed by other studies, but taking down Wakefield in a big way became a means of discrediting anyone questioning vaccines. Wakefield was cast as a fraud and so all those voicing concerns were dismissed by reference to him.

This Alan Golding documentary gives background which can allow people to judge the credibility of Murdoch’s reporter for themselves: Read More Here:

Murdoch’s media malpractice and the genetic altering of human beings through DNA vaccines

images-4 (NaturalNews) Rupert Murdoch’s media empire News Corp., which represents the second largest media conglomerate in the world behind the Walt Disney Company, is taking a severe beating as Murdoch himself is having to address various criminal allegations, including that his News of the World tabloid illegally hacked private phone lines and committed various other crimes (…).

But Murdoch’s media malpractice runs even deeper as his strong connections to the pharmaceutical industry also fueled his media machine’s fabrication of lies against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, as well as hid from the public the true dangers of DNA vaccines that permanently corrupt human genes and cause autism.

Murdoch has built quite a reputation for himself as a scoundrel of sorts, as many Americans who identify with the “left” side of the political spectrum have accused him of pandering to the “right” by skewing the news to appeal to “conservatives” (Murdoch owns FOX News, after all).

But what Murdoch’s organization is actually doing on all fronts with its various media outlets, including FOX, is pushing much bigger agendas that supersede any alleged “right vs. left” paradigm. One such agenda is News Corp.’s routine censorship of the dangerous truth about drugs and vaccines, which include smear campaigns like those levied against Dr. Wakefield who conduct legitimate research that contradicts mainstream medical thought.

News Corp. systematically destroyed the reputation of Dr. Wakefield, lied about his work

If you are unfamiliar with the Dr. Wakefield story, you can read more about it in previousNaturalNews articles (….). But as a quick recap, Dr. Wakefield basically discovered through credible research that the combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to mental and physiological health problems, and that the individual measles vaccine should be given to children instead until further research on the safety of MMR could be conducted.

The findings were credible, responsibly-derived, and honest in their assessment — but they resulted in a tirade of lies and slander against Dr. Wakefield.

The statements included false accusations that he is opposed to all vaccinations, that he had manipulated his data, and that he is basically unfit to be a doctor, despite the fact that he is arguably one of the most well-respected and highly-educated gastroenterologists in the world. In the end, though, Dr. Wakefield ended up having his study pulled from the esteemed UK journal Lancet, and his UK medical license was revoked.

And just who was responsible for the annihilation campaign against Dr. Wakefield? None other than Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., which literally fabricated lies about Dr. Wakefield and disseminated them around the world via its multinational media network. News Corp.’s London Times, for instance, falsely accused Dr. Wakefield of being “callous, unethical and dishonest,” and published numerous articles saying he was a fraud, and that he “abused his position of trust.”

And why, exactly, did News Corp. feel the need to destroy the life and reputation of a man that had done so much to help children with autism and other neurological disorders?

Because Dr. Wakefield’s findings were incongruent with the multi-billion-dollar profit ring of multinational pharmaceutical companies like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Merck Inc., both of which produce and market MMR vaccines.

Murdoch media empire, judicial system closely knit with drug companies

Did you know that Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch, who manages the UK paperSunday Times, is on the board of GSK? Or how about Sir Nigel Davis, the High Court judge that denied parents of children treated by Dr. Wakefield the right to have their claims against vaccine manufacturers heard in a real court? Davis’ brother, who is an executive board member of Elsevier, the group that publishes the Lancet, is also on the board of GSK.

An article in the COTO Report also explains that the head of the popular Reuters newsservice serves on the board of Merck, while a prominent writer at the UK’s Daily Mirror is married to the former chairman of GSK. And the list goes on and on.

With all of these strong connections to drug companies, it is no wonder that the media at large wholly participated in the Dr. Wakefield slander campaign — after all, Dr. Wakefield’s work caused millions of people to wake up and begin questioning the safety not only of the MMR vaccine, but also of vaccines in general. And this continued awakening is taking its toll on Big Pharma’s profits. Read More Here:

Here Is Some Murdoch Propaganda From His Newspapers: 

Anti-vaxers are murderers:

HOW many dead babies are enough? How many dead babies will it take to make anti-vaccinators wake up and realise they are killing other people’s precious, loved infants with their ignorance and selfishness? One, Two, 10, Well, try 12. Read This Rubbish Here:

Claire Harvey: Anti-vaxers, you are baby killers

WOULD you kill a baby today? Would you put him through horrific pain? Would you take away his oxygen and let him suffocate to death?

Well, if you haven’t vaccinated your own children, you are doing all those things. You killed four-week-old Riley Hughes, who died this week.

You killed the twelve babies who have died of whooping cough in the past six years. You are responsible. And you have no excuse. Garbage is Here:

Here Is A Much Better Response To Claire Harvey’s Ridiculous Hit Piece & Lets Not Forget, Claire Harvey Is Employed By Murdoch To Push An Agenda, In This Case It’s Vaccines. 


Dr. Rima Replies: Vaccine Conscientious Objectors Are Not Baby Killers! Vaxxers Are!

.[Dr. Rima Replies to Australian “journalist” Claire Harvey’s claim in the Daily Telegraph that those who oppose forced vaccinations are “baby killers…” and “terrorists” despite the clear record that it is vaccines that kill babies. (1)]


.Why are pro vaxxers so absolutely nuts/bonkers? Hate filled? Irrational? Filled with the same zeal that fed the fires of the Inquisition burning millions of “witches” for God all over Europe?
Why are vaccines not debated, but diatribed?
Let’s be very clear here: vaccines have absolutely no real scientific justification. They do not exist because of the science. They exist IN SPITE of the science which, in condensed form, is contained on the Package Inserts: not tested in pregnant women, massive numbers of disastrous side effects, more unanswered questions than answered ones, toxic ingredients with poor results.
But they serve multiple agendas so the hype has been massive, unrelenting and deafening for decades.
Claire Harvey, a poor excuse for a journalist in Australia published a ridiculous article called “Anti-vaxers, you are baby killers…” in the Sunday Telegraph on March 22, 2015.
The emotions, lack of science, nasty names, irrelevant and illogical personal stories (“my kids had vaccines and the’re fine so you should all get your kids vaccinated to protect my kids” [say WHAT????] are out in full force.
I can tell you why from a social, psychological and psychiatric point of view. But it doesn’t matter.
I can, and did in my response, cite powerful refutations to their bought-and-paid-for science but it doesn’t matter.
They are like the cult members in a cult whose prophet is supposed to live forever but dies. Some few adherents typically drift away but the studies of such cults show that most of them remain, as tightly bound to their illogic as ever: they just make a couple of minor tweaks to their passionately-held beliefs and go on believing even though, in this case, the pertussis vaccine has failed, the measles vaccine has failed, the flu vaccine has failed,, the tetanus vaccine has failed, the rotovirus vaccine has failed, the shingles vaccine has failed, the meningitis vaccine has failed….. It’s OK. Just get a booster or use the new one or even just keep on using the old one.
The great God Vaxus is with us, may His Syringe be ever full, testing our faith by these apparent failures.
There is no speaking truth to these zealots (“I will sacrifice my children on the altar of Vaxus, from whom all Public Health comes! The Faithful will be spared the tribulation of Autism, for they believe!)

Their crony science is corrupt and their brains are addled. So there is only one argument worth making in these public forums: FREEDOM. We own our bodies, you don’t own them. We have the right to self-determination, you cannot take that away from us. How do I know whether these vaccines contain unannounced passengers like SV40, which causes leukemia? Can you force me to risk my life?
How do I know if they contain infertility chemicals? Can you force me to give up my reproductive rights?
How do I know that they will not cause me a serious adverse event or terminate my life? Can you force me to accept the risk that you assign me but that I do not accept?
Will I allow you to do that? Informed Consent is only meaningful if you canrefuse the medical intervention!
The science is settled: vaccines are an uninsurable risk because they are so dangerous. The debate is irrational. The ONLY rational aspect of the otherwise hysterical debate is freedom. Mine, yours, your neighbor’s and the guy across the country.
Nothing else will work. Nothing else makes sense.
And the way to maintain freedom is with massive, and I mean massive, push back. That means that everyone you can reach needs to tell their legislators to back away from mandated vaccines and don’t even think about picking it up again.
Here’s the link: Use it. Share it. Take responsibility for generating a pool of push back in your own circle of influence.
We did it in 2009 with the mandatory universal Swine Flu vaccination program. We can do it again. Together.
Alone, they win. Together, Lady Liberty triumphs. [REL]

Notice that in general, the more vaccines, the higher the death rate.

Here is What Dr. Rima Wrote in Reply to the Telegraph Article

Claire, let’s give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that your frothing “outrage” is based swallowing poor science lock, stock and barrel plus a heartfelt concern for the general good and that you are not a shill for the Big Pharma fellows.
Sadly, even if your motivation is pure as the driven snow your outrage is anti-scientific and your blind faith in vaccination’s safety and efficacy is badly misplaced.
I am a physician, a scientist and a strong advocate of both public safety and health freedom. In your mind, they do not go together. Another serious error.
By the way, I have no commercial ties to anything that would shape my views.  I hope the same is true of you.
I recently presented a paper to the First All India Congress on Medical Education (Feb 7, 2015, Nitte University, Mangalore, India) in which I looked at the widely available and well-substantiated data that shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ONLY thing that has decreased the incidence of infectious disease is a combination of hygiene, clean water, sufficient protein and other nutrition and sanitation.  ALL childhood and other infectious diseases, and their associated morbidity and mortality, Claire, were radically reduced BEFORE the introduction of a single vaccine.
In every case, the slope of the decrease either remained the same or the decrease slowed down when the vaccines were introduced.  In the case of smallpox, when the British government enforced its vaccine mandate, the incidence of death from smallpox increased by nearly 300%.
Here is the link to the article so that you can actually look at some cold, hard facts to quell your anti-freedom hysteria, Claire:
Here is the Power Point presentation in case you do not have the time to read the whole paper:
Here are some cold, hard facts:

  1. Dr. Andrew Wakefield did NOT say that MMR vaccine causes autism. He said that 12 autistic children had the same virus that was in the vaccine in their GI tracts, a finding that has been replicated by others.
  2. The books have been repeatedly cooked over vaccines and mercury. When the data, the actual science, not the cover up, politicalized make-believe-science is examined, the results are absolutely clear: Yes, vaccines, with or without mercury, cause a host of ills, including autism. Mercury, as a recent highly credible MIT study showed, is not the only heavy metal culprit: aluminum, with which vaccines are adjuvanted, causes serious brain and other organ damage as well.
  3. Vials of vaccine that do not contain mercury are washed with Thimerasol, leaving a residue of biological significance. According to the renowned Dr. Paul G. King, PhD, the total amount of mercury received by children who are fully vaccinated today in the US is GREATER THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF MERCURY THEY RECEIVED BEFORE THE WILDLY ACCELERATED CURRENT VACCINE SCHEDULE WAS IMPLEMENTED. MUCH GREATER.
  4. The Council on Foreign Relations recently released a detailed study on national health status around the world. They showed conclusively that the more vaccinated a nation is, the worse the health of its people in terms of chronic degenerative disease and the higher the infant mortality. Um, that would make vaccination advocates baby killers and terrorists according to your irrational and rabid schema.
  5. Under US law, and I would imagine that the same is true in Australia, a vaccine MUST, by statute, be shown to be BOTH safe AND effectivebefore it can be deployed. The number of vaccines which have been shown to be EITHER safe or effective is a shocking zero. That’s right.  Only one placebo controlled, double blind study of vaccines, in this case, the flu vaccine, has EVER been done.  The results?  People who got the vaccine were not protected against the flu and were, in fact, nearly 5 times as likely as non-vaccinated or placebo recipients, to have serious complications, pneumonia, hospitalizations and other major consequences including, rather embarrassingly, death.
  6. Vaccinated people infect others. The New York City measles outbreak a couple of years ago was due entirely to vaccinated people shedding viruses and infecting other vaccinated people. In China, where virtually every single member of the society is fully vaccinated, measles outbreaks occur regularly.  In South Korea where pertussis vaccination is a mandated procedure with 97% coverage of the population, pertussis deaths have more than tripled since the achievement of full population coverage and those who contract pertussis are sicker and have more complications than was seen before vaccination was implemented.
  7. The lock and key, stimulated antibody response is now known to be very poor, outdated and inaccurate science, which might explain the fact that vaccines actually do not (see my paper for the citations) prevent disease and actually spread it.
  8. The notion that vaccines prevent disease outbreaks has no basis in fact. Like the Gardasil/Cervarix nonsense, it was made up out of the whole cloth to sell vaccines, an uninsurably dangerous procedure.
  9. Vaccines CAUSE diseases that they are supposed to prevent, they do not prevent or eradicate them. That’s marketing, not science, no matter how widely believed it is.

The CDC’s website says that the cause of polio is polio vaccination.  In India, in the 13 short months before it was declared to be Polio Free by WHO, more than 53,300 cases of the newly “discovered” Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis which only occurs in children who had been vaccinated against polio and whose incidence is in direct, linear proportion to the vaccine coverage.  How do we know it really is polio?  Because the virus found in those kids is the exact same one as they received in the vaccine.  Sort of like the Measles virus in the guts of the kids whom Andy Wakefield studied.
How, then, can we say that polio (or small pox, for that matter) have been eradicated?  Read my paper.  The answers are there and they will shock and dismay you.  Perhaps you will then turn your fury to the deception with which you have been intentionally misled.  That would be a good use of your outrage, in which I would definitely support you!
Epidemiologist Professor Maniotis of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine showed in his seminal paper on predicting epidemics and pandemics that the best way to do that is to track where vaccination programs take place.  There’s your next epidemic of that disease.  Sorry to burst your bubble with a syringe needle, Claire, but those are the facts.  And facts do not yield to hysteria whether you like them or not.
By the way, pertussis is easy to treat with Vitamin A supplementation.  Vitamin C helps the kids out, too.  The pediatrician who allowed the baby to die left that out of the regimen, did s/he?  Not surprised, since there has been a war against natural options in Australia for some years now and most physicians are afraid to use nutrients, I understand, since they can be deregistered if they do.  Now that is second hand knowledge, Claire, so if it is wrong, please correct me.

  1. The vaccine schedule is nothing but marketing. Take boosters, for example. Or rather, don’t take them.  There is absolutely no science backing up the idea that if you give another shot of a vaccine that your response to is poor, it will increase your response.

People who receive boosters are back to the same antibody levels as before the booster within a year or less. Much less usually.  Why give boosters, then?  Simple.  Anytime a vaccine has been shown, like the measles vaccine (Mayo Clinic Journal) or the Pertussis Vaccine (numerous professional journal articles) the every-compliant conflict of interest ridden Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the US CDC, a leader in marketing useless and deadly vaccines, adds a “booster” shot to the schedule.  And it does boost.  Profits.

  1. The downstream harm of vaccines is enormous. The reporting system is weak and voluntary in the US and is generally acknowledged to capture between 1-10% of all adverse events, but if you give even that weak reporting data set a cursory glance you will see clearly that vaccines cause enormous harm to large numbers of people. Oh, yes, the US government has paid out nearly $3 Billion US to families of vaccine injured or killed people. And most people never even make it to the vaccine court because of the high barriers set for entry and success in the system, which is, by the way, a US national scandal.  Vaccine makers in the US are virtually totally free of any liability and are free to profit with whatever unclean and unsafe products they choose to.  And they are free to profit from the downstream gain as well.

Like, for example, childhood leukemia.
CDC has publicly admitted that it knew that the polio vaccines (safe?  effective? ) that 98 million Americans received were contaminated with the CV40 virus which causes leukemia.  But in order not to increase the financial burden of manufacturers, they chose not to require the simple one pass filtration process that would have eliminated the virus. Baby killers?  Terrorists?  Looks like it to me, Claire.  How about to you?
I think that makes the point.
There are baby killers among us.  They are on the payroll of Big Pharma and various governments as regulators.  Then they leave those jobs and go back to their large salary Big Pharma jobs, by the way.  And we, you and I and the babies, pay the heavy personal, social and financial price.
Oh, yes, one more thing, Claire: infertility.  The UN commissioned WHO in 1974 to find ways to render the undesirable population infertile through vaccines.  They were successful and their witches’ brew has shown up in the Philippines, for example, where the High Court found WHO guilty of genocide because of the involuntary sterilization of more than 3 million women there. How many more?  Only WHO and the US government knows.  And Kenya. And India.
How about Australia?  Really, when you think about it, the only thing you know about what’s in a vaccine is what you read on the label.  Is that good enough for you to trust your health and your child’s health to,  knowing that stealth viruses, toxic heavy metals, infertility agents and other poisons are intentionally added to vaccines which, as it turns out, don’t work?
If so, you are a very trusting soul.
I am not. I value my health and freedom as highly as I value yours, Claire.
Use that outrage wisely and go after the REAL baby killers.  They are out there and they have syringes in their hands.
Yours in health and freedom,

Dr Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

6 thoughts on “The Murdoch Deception

    Who the hell is MARIA BILLIAS in the vast expanses of the world, that I should care about what she feel is important ?
    MARIA BILLIAS is a Colomnist in the back water that is Western Australia.
    And therefore I should……….. what exactly ……………. this woman earns her salary writing what she is told to write … if she does not she is sacked … period.
    NT News – Colomnist Maria Billas looks at vaccination debate.
    Whooping Cough – Pertussis is a bacterial infection – not a virus – 5 vaccines should be given over a period of 6 years.
    This rigerous vaccination regime has – NOT BEEN PRACTICED TO MY KNOWLEDGE – in my personal experience – I have raised 5 children – born 1971, 72, 73, 74, 76….the 2 girls contracted whooping cough ai primary school.
    PERTUSSIS is highly contagious – and yet only a few children at Lee St Primary School Carlton North – developed whooping cough at around the same time my girls were infected – STRANGE – it is known as the 100 day infection – the incubation time is long – it should have spread through the school like wild fire – you see most children were NOT VACCINATED AT ALL IN THOSE DAYS – maybe 25% … tops.
    When my youngest was in grade 1 – SCARLET FEAVER reared it’s ugly head at the school – a handful of children PRESENTED WITH SCARLET FEAVER – and the Health Inspector visited each childs home to check for cleanliness – little Bill – who was my youngest’s – Jojo’s best friend was infected – but my Jojo was not – those these to boys were inseperable – GO FIGURE – and Bills mum ran her own advertising agency & Bills dad was a bank manager – and not dirty dole bludgers or what not.
    We must not accept the scientific DOGMA –

  2. Like GEORGE SOROS – RUPERT MURDOCH is in the employ of the establishmet in the capacity of a stooge only.
    Now he is to stand down – “well is’s about time,” John Wayne.
    His 2 sons are taking his place – chips off the old block.

  3. My sister is 60 – she was never inocculated – I was brought to Australia at the age of 3 f- rom the former Yugoslavia – so I got some shots as a result of immigtating – but I have no idea which.
    My sister never contracted
    Scarlet feaver
    German Measles
    Whooping Cough
    or any other epedemics……
    I remember haveing measles when she was a toddler & she did not catch it from me.
    Maria & her 3 siblings never got sick either & they were not vaccinated
    Sophie & Charley either.
    The 5 children of the Tseros family next door either.
    Harry, Ester & Bella the Jewish kids across the road either.
    Mary & Peter
    I was born 1/1/1951 the above is from 1956 – 1966 and then we moved.

  4. When I was in primary school – some kids came to school barefoot – they did not have shoes to wear – due to severe poverty – and some kids went hungry everyday – milk was given to kids at school – it was breakfast for some kids – there was no lunch – the milk was because kids were mal-nourished
    and yet there were not the EPIDEMICS that we fear today – most of these kids were not vaccinated at all – either.
    Vegamite – made from one of the richest known natural sources of the Vitamn B group – brewers yeast – was made as a nutritional supplement for kids mainly the Brit’s had Marmite.
    During the war they gave the hungry children in Britain beer that had, had the alcohol removed by sticking a red hot poker in it – because it was rich in B Vitamin’s
    My God, in them days we kids should all have died a long time ago – & we are still here.

  5. EVOLUTION – meaning –
    1. the process by wich living organisms are believed to developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth:
    2. the gradual development of something:
    MUTATION – meaning –
    1. the changing of a structure of a gene, resulting in a variant, from which may be transmitted to subsequent generations caused by the alteration of single based units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of large sections of genes or chromosomes.
    * alteration, change, variation, modification, transformation, metamorphosis, transmutation, transfiguration, evolution:
    INCUBATION – meaning –
    1. the definition of incubation is the process of keeping something at the right tempreture & under the right conditions so that it can develop.
    2. medicine – the development of an infection from the time the pathogen enters the body until signs or symptoms first appear.
    3. medicine – the maintenance of an infant, especially a premature infant, in an environment of controled temperature, humidity & oxygen concentration in order to provide optimal conditions for growth & development:
    * in maintenance of an infant* … who or what is THE INFANT…
    I am wondering why it is that these age old diseases have not MUTATED themselves into something else / or into oblivion …/?
    WHAT IF :
    * these virus & bacteria have been deliberately held in suspended animation …/?
    * the true purpose of inoculation / vaccination is to keep these reliques alive …/?
    It would explain their eratic behavior in the community & the fact that when my kids & a few others, were infected with chicken pox the whole school did not become infected. When most / at least 50% of the children had not been vaccinated at all.
    * a side dish of media play….
    rumor gossip inuendo & social media –
    Anug San Suu Kyi – while the world belived her to be under house arrest for years – poor thing – it has been said & with pix – which could be fake a well as the story – that she was actuall living discreetly in an appartment in Paris with a string of younger lovers.
    Go Figure

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