Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

I Need To Be Done With This Madness

Dear friends – I want to let you know that a major internal shift has occurred within me and I am absolutely certain that now is the time for me to make a major life change.  For years, I have considered moving to Russia, never really having the courage to give it serious consideration due to financial constraints and the inability to speak Russian.  Nevertheless, my life in the United States is at great risk due to radiation exposure and I am feeling increasingly unwell and as if I am getting weaker by the day due to ongoing exposure.

I am not prepared to sacrifice my life in order to stay in America.  I love this beautiful land but sadly, it has become infected with a virus that has the potential to destroy millions of lives, including my own.  The overwhelming majority of the American people seem perfectly content living among this virus, surrounded by their radiation-emitting devices and seeking to consume, consume, consume.  But this is not a lifestyle that suits me.
I am an Earthy woman with a deep reverence for life.  I need to return to the world Our Creator designed.  I need to be exposed to natural frequencies only.  I long to be surrounded by birds, bees, butterflies, and all the things that are now dying because of technologically-produced radiation.  I want to once again hear the sounds of nature instead of these awful, microwave and ultrasonic frequencies that doctors call “tinnitus,” but is not tinnitus at all, but rather an ability to hear the frequencies coming off this grid that sound like the tortured screams of hell (which is what they are!).
I need to be done with this madness.  It is making me ill.  It is not serving me as I try to surrender to getting jack hammered 24/7 with pulsed microwaves coming from everyone’s cell phones, cordless phones, wifi routers, smart meters, etc.  I cannot do this anymore.  I must make the change.  My nervous system is on overload.  My heart is beating out of control.  My head feels like it’s in a vice.  Staying here could literally cost me my life.

And so I want to travel to Russia very, very soon, for at least one month, to see if I can make a go of relocating there.  There are no smart meters in Russia.  When I was there in 2016, I had to travel 45 minutes just to find a place that had wifi!   The radiation limits in Russia are at least 100x lower than those in the United States.  And they are not using the hideous 2.4 GHz frequency that is known to wreak havoc with genetics, fertility, brain matter, and more.  I feel Russia is a much safer place to be right now, especially for people like me who are already feeling the effects of radiation exposure.  I must give it a try.  There are so many people already there who are aligned with the Ringing Cedars vision, and this is truly where my heart is.  My soul is calling me to bring the Ringing Cedars vision into form.

There is a sense of urgency in this because of my health and also because my Russian visa expires in mid-September 2019.  This means I must depart the United States sometime in early September and try to renew my visa once I get to Russia.   I think this will be do-able since I have an American friend that already lives in Russia who will help me move through these particulars.

But I need to raise funds fast in order to make this journey.  I wonder if any of you (or all of you) would be willing and able to help.  Donations of any amount would mean so much.  Donations can be made here:

You can also help by purchasing one or more of my books here:

Or perhaps you’d like to purchase my double DVD set here:

  I have already found several possible places to stay in Russia for about $300 for an entire month!  The airfare will cost about $1000 round-trip.  And I will need to buy radiation-shielded clothing (very expensive) in order to survive being in an airport and on a plane for so many hours.   I think my body will experience tremendous healing once I get there because I will finally be out of this radiation environment for at least one month.  If I can find a way to stay longer, that would be even better.  I would really like to spend at least the next 5-10 years in Russia, if there is a way for me to make this possible.  And it would be great if I could bring my cat  once I find a long-term place, and maybe even my mom – although New York is the life she has chosen and she does not seem prepared to make any change at all.

In any event, I really could use support to make this journey.  If you could find it in your heart and your budget to help, it would mean so much.  Perhaps there will be many who will follow in my footsteps soon.  It is time to bring the dream into form.  It’s happening in Russia so this currently seems like the best place to be.

Truly hoping to hear from you and wishing you all good things,


****PAPERBACK RELEASE**** The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound – Part 1

Dear friends,

I am excited to announce that my book, The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound and the Dangers of Non-Ionizing Radiation – Part 1, is now available in paperback and can be purchased on Amazon here.

Below is a brief write-up about the book…

This book offers a ground-breaking analysis of the documented facts concerning the dangers of prenatal ultrasound. Much of the information contained herein has been previously kept hidden from the public. Nonetheless, the book contains nearly 300 pages of sourced material, along with 1500+ citations to confirm that prenatal ultrasound is harming developing babies and should be banned from obstetrics immediately.

Despite the medical establishment repeating the mantra that ultrasound is “just sound waves” and therefore “perfectly safe” during pregnancy, in truth, ultrasound is based on non-ionizing radiation, and many thousands of studies have confirmed that this type of radiation is harmful, especially for children and developing babies in the womb.

As a result of exposure to ultrasound in utero, children are at great risk of being born with radiation-induced genetic mutations that can negatively affect future generations. They may experience damaging reproductive effects that can lead to fertility issues and sterility later in life. They may suffer from radiation-induced brain damage and/or neurodevelopmental delays that can contribute to autism. And there are many childhood diseases that can be traced back to exposure to ultrasonic irradiation in utero.

Parents who care about the welfare of their children will benefit from understanding the facts about this technology and all technologies that utilize non-ionizing radiation (cell phones, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.). It is time to take a stand to protect the children.

This book is being offered in the spirit of love and in the hope that the information contained herein will benefit families worldwide. Thank you for caring about the future of Earth’s children and for passing this information on to others.

For those who may be interested, I have decided to publish Part 1 as a totally separate volume from Part 2 since Part 1 is now over 400 pages in length and I felt that if I included the information from Part 2 in the same book, it would be too much for people to take in. Already there is 700+ pages of material, and the second part of the book is not finished yet. So the length of the book will continue to grow and I think it is too much to put into a single volume. This is why I have decided to put out two separate books.

Autographed copies of the paperback can be ordered directly through me.  Cost is $35, plus shipping.  Please click on the appropriate link below to make the purchase (depending on which country you live in).  Shipping costs vary from country to country.


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A PDF version of the book is also available for $15.  Please click on the link below to order the PDF.


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You may also buy the book in kindle version here.

Kindly pass this information on to others and let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your support of my work!  Link to share this info is below:

Here’s what people are saying about the book


I am blown away by Vol 1 of your book!  omg!  OMG!  You deserve an investigative journalism award!  The chapter on Radiation is the best explanation/ information I’ve ever heard, and I’ve been researching for 7 years, since I got symptoms of EHS!!!  Now I understand it! OMG!!!  Truly excellent work!
— Elizabeth N.

Finished the book. Probably the best researched on this topic… This book should become a bestseller.  In 20 years when society has collapsed it will be a rare collector’s item.
— Julian S.

Brilliantly written, Jeanice, you have a great balance between facts and feelings, very hard to achieve, I do mean this, I really like your style of writing.
— Karl M.

I believe that this book, as well as your first one, are two of the most important books I’ve ever read.  The information is heartbreaking and infuriating.   I’m so grateful for this book.”
Linda T


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