Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

“PODCAST” The Simulation Hypothesis: What Is Real? With Scott Snitzer


Researcher Scott Snitzer is back with me today 22/12/22 to co-host the podcast and to break down the matrix type system and his awesome research into simulation theory.

Are we having a projected computer simulation experience and how can we identify our real path while breaking down incredible levels of fear.

Scott Snitzer YouTube Channel 


Its a pleasure to be back on your podcast, Adam.  And thanks for having me on to really dig into what simulation theory is and isn’t.

When you are a truther whose mind is open to anything and everything that will give you insights into our reality and insights into  our purpose and meaning in this world, a lot of what you come across can be disturbing-Unsettling, even depressing, depending on your personality.  

For example, the question of free will-If someome has been through a lot of trauma in their lifetime, the idea that they have never had any say or choice in the course of their lives from their choice of career to their intimate relations and to where the live-The question of free will crosses over into topics as diverse as neuroscience, philosophy, Astrology, Tarot and our life path number, because as a truther, when you dig deep enough and wide enough, you are inevitably going to learn things which will make you question how much of your life has been scripted in advance, and how many of your choices have been organic products of your mind;How much of your life has been your organic choice versus some invisible force guiding not only you, but everyone else in this reality-I get that this sounds a bit woo and weird, but I have a reason for saying all of this-When you learn about simulation theory, the scientific arguments for why we live in an illusion (from a computer or some other source) can often be compelling, and this ties into scientisim in which most people seem unable to realize that much of what we call science is a very complex magic trick that is literally based more on faith and speculation instead of the scientific method whose purpose is to construct an accurate, reliable, self-consistent, non-arbitrary representation of the world.

The procedures are standardized to minimize any prejudice the experimenter might have when testing the hypothesis.

But still…The arguments for why we live in a simulation can be very humbling because the ultimately say that we are not real souled beings and that our very existence is a product of some unknown or alien laws of physics and that we have little or now free will and just the subjective experience of pleasure and pain, and all that lies in between.  

As truthers, its essential that we examine the basics of simulation theory because it will lead to us having better discernment and analytical skills which will allow us to see, feel and even KNOW our world with a clairty and peace of mind that most people do not possess.

I’ll get right into the simulation hypothesis in a second-As someone seeking truth, I have come across several topics which have compelled me to turn inwards to get to know who and what I truly am, because when you research topics which make you question your very existence and your purpose in life, its an opportunity to grow as a person, to mature and to gain both knowledge and wisdom and to share it with those who like yourself are willing to grow and become a better version of themselves.

Here are a few definitions of the simulation hypothesis: 

The simulation hypothesis proposes that all of reality (including human society, the Earth and all the goings-on in the rest of the universe) is, in fact, an artificial simulation — that everything is part of an unimaginably complex computer programme created by an external agent and proponents of simulation theory commonly speculate that an advanced alien civilization, or our descendents created ancestral simulations.

This definition of simulation theory states that we have free will:

The creator of the universe, at some eternally distant moment in the past, made reality as we know it, with a built-in system of rules generally known as Natural Law. 

This reality is ultimately an illusion when compared to the primal reality of the Creator, namely because the creator is an infinite, absolute and eternal being, whereas the creation itself is finite, localized, and time-space conditioned. 

Within the universe are aspects of the creator, we know of as souls that were given life by “life-giving breath,” who can change the creation from within via free will. The universe, in this theory, is organized by the rules of Natural Law, with each soul contributing the random element via free will.

The Simulation Hypothesis is thought to be entirely valid, so far as it goes, by a wide variety of philosophers, mathematicians, physicists, and metaphysicists.

The ancient Indian civilization had this fundamental concept in its Vedic scriptures, which they called “Maya.” Maya means the cosmic illusion that deceives us from our actual reality.

The concept that the simulation we supposedly exist in is ONLY an advanced computer program is narrow-minded, because we are technologically advanced and have computers, holograms and virtual reality, and because of movies such as ‘The Matrix,’ the default belief is that we live in a computer simulation instead of something that trancends all technology, something spiritual if you will.

But to keep things interesting, here are some of the possible types of simulations that we have spent our entire lives in:

  Brain-computer interface

So in a brain to computer interface simulation, as in some kind of video game, we have an avatar (that may not look anything like our true selves outside of the game) and as each participant enters the game from the outside, their brains are directly connceted to the simulation computer which transmits sensory data to the participant, reads and responds to their desires and actions in return-As so many afterlife researchers have written, all memories of our past lives are erased as in “passing through the veil,” and this memory loss is done to make the game more believable-The participant regains their memory after they leave the game, as in after what we call “physical death.”

There is the option of a simulated reality being dynamically constructed and modified using real-world matter and energy within an enclosing container or room, such as the “Holodeck” in Star Trek. 

Upon entering such a space, the real-world person would effectively feel immersed in the simulated environment, with a variety of potential methods being used to convince the user of the presence of motion, gravity, environments, and so on, and with the user presumably able to interact (or not) with the simulated reality.

The intermingled simulation supports both types of consciousness: “players” from the outer reality who are visiting (as a brain-computer interface simulation) or emigrating, and virtual-people who are natives of the simulation and hence lack any physical body in the outer reality.

So this is one way to explain NPCs, organic portals, tares or background people-Souless entities that seem to be of flesh and blood.

Another state of mind in which some argue an individual’s perceptions have no physical basis in the real world is called psychosis though psychosis may have a physical basis in the real world and explanations vary.

The philosopher Decartes wrote that “there are no certain indications by which we may clearly distinguish wakefulness from sleep…”It is possible that I am dreaming right now and that all of my perceptions are false”.

There is no way of working out if computers running a simulation are capable of doing things that computers in the simulation cannot do. 

No-one has shown that the laws of physics inside a simulation and those outside it have to be the same, and simulations of different physical laws have been constructed, plus what we experience as the passage of time is probably not the same outside of the simulation that we live in-and that’s IF we are mere constructs of light and not true flesh and blood.

The problem now is that there is no evidence that can conceivably be produced to show that the universe is not any kind of computer, making the simulation hypothesis unfalsifiable and therefore scientifically unacceptable.

This is something that I already mentioned:

All of the presumptive arguments by scientists and philosphers that we live in a simulation based on our knowledge of state of the art computers and their projected computing power over time giving rise to possible ancestral simulations as Nick Bostrom has claimed-Or that our entire lives are thanks to hyper advanced extraterrestrials, even though aliens themselve are most likely a hoax-We have to be skeptical about everything that we see and hear.

1. Life is an illusion: Throughout history, many spiritual teachers have taught that life is an illusion, nothing is really happening and we are just dreaming in a sea of emptiness.

As abstract as this concept sounds, in a virtual world nothing is happening, nothing exists and it is all a grand illusion.

2. Only this moment exists: Another common spiritual belief says that everything is happening at once and time is an illusion. 

It’s difficult to grasp onto this concept until we consider that in a virtual reality, time and space do not exist. Only this “moment” can be experienced because virtual life fills in around us as we move from place to place, and reality doesn’t “pop into position” until it needs to.

3. We are all One: Most spiritual philosophies agree that we are all connected, and, in fact, we are all One, and this sounds like both Communism and Transhumanism.

In an actual reality, being connected as one is probably illogical, but in a simulated world, we are all connected by the program, and, therefore, it is impossible to be separate. 

And what I just read does sound a bit like new age rhetoric, keeping in mind that human beings have been deceived for perhaps tens of thousand of years by whatever forces run this world.

We are One because there can only be One in a virtual reality and I think that this ties into the idea of a collective unconscious which ties into the mad synchronicities that so many of us experience-coincidences that go beyond statistical probability-There are targeted individuals who believe that the governments of the world have technology that is so advanced as to defy what we think are the laws of physics but all people who work in and for the government are also being manipulated by something far above them and I do not mean the Jesuits or any other secret societies or ancient bloodlines-It FEELS as though everyone is being used.

Here are the main arguments to why we do live in a false reality: 

Why Does Our Universe Have “Rules” in the First Place?

MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark has pointed to our universe’s strict laws of physics as possible evidence that we live in a video game: “If I were a character in a computer game, I would also discover eventually that the rules seemed completely rigid and mathematical.” 

The speed of light — the fastest rate at which any particle can travel — represents the speed limit for transmitting information within the network of our simulation.

The “Goldilocks Zone”

Earth exists within what astrobiologists call a Goldilocks Zone, close enough to a star that greenhouse gases can trap heat to keep liquid water, but far enough away that the planet does not become a Venusian hothouse. 

That we live in such an orbital sweet spot is circumstantial evidence for a simulation: If our sim-designers wanted us to succeed, it makes sense that they’d place us in such a cushy environment.

And most of us are fully aware that space may not be what we thought it is despite the fact that not all astonomers and physisists are lying to the public in some vast conspiracy-Planetary bodies, asteroids, suns, galaxies, nebulas and much more have been stuided and catalogued using strict methodologies, but we all know that the Apollo moon landings were a lie as is the international space station-So what IS up there?  

Some kind of hard light hologram which exists outside of the upper atmosphere?  Or is our entire reality a complex illusion?

I’m sure that some of you have heard of truthers using a P900 to document clouds moving behind the sun which may very well be local and instead of ninety-three-million miles away as in three sixes.

So are cosmologists, astronomers, physisists and other scientists and truthers all being fooled by some complex lie?

Just as we say in The Matrix, many simulation theorists believe that our world is made up of series of numbers and binary codes since everything is quantifiable when given the right data points. 

As such, by examining the mathematics of our universe, we are not only able to recreate various events, but also able to easily create the billions of humans which inhabit the Earth. 

Out of all the theories, mathematicians and scientists believe they may actually be able to prove this is the simulation we are in.


Then there’s the transition from no life to abudant life as seen in the fossil record-There are no solid theories as to how the transition from unicellular life to multicellular life about 500 million years ago happened-This transition is known as the Cambrian Explosion well all of a sudden (geologically speaking) some unicellular life combined forces to produce a sudden and massive diversity of multicellular life.

But of course software can simulate the transition to life from non-life without a problem-BUT just because there is no conclusive scientific proof how the first living cells on earth (billions of years ago) came into existence and ultimately formed complex forms doesn’t mean that this is proof that we’re in a simulation.

Another big parallel to videogames and a simulation are predefined life paths-Again, we are often given the model of video games being the perfect analogy that we might also live in a very complex game or simultion because video games have become increasingly complex and hyper realistic over time and this is basically a technological frame of reference because these games are part of popular culture.

We Already Know What the “Bricks” of Our Matrix Are

According to simulation believers, we may have already found the pixel-sized building block of the universe: the Planck-length, the point at which our concepts of gravity and spacetime no longer apply. 

If our world is simulated, the Planck-length would be equivalent to one bit of information, or a pixel.

Quantum mechanics has some of the most compelling arguments for why we live in a false reality:

In order for something to be computable or simulated, it needs to be able to be broken down into discrete packets. 

For computers, those are called ‘bits’. It used to be thought that reality as we know it, did not have discrete packets of anything. 

It used to be thought that you could just break down matter further and further and it will always be divisible. 

Some particles are, in fact, fundamental and can’t be broken down further. 

This goes in hand with quantum mechanics. When we go down to a level which is deep enough, it seems that EVERYTHING, whether it be light, time, distance or even seemingly gravity (if gravitons are confirmed), exists at the most fundamental level as discrete packets. 

This most likely means that reality can be programmed just like anything involving bits and bytes can be.

The reality has a logical structure to such a level that some scientist believe that the fundamental constituents of the reality could be some sort of mathematical structures.

Some scientists seem to have discovered in the superstring theory what could be described as the presence of what appear to resemble a form of computer code, called error correcting codes.

Professor of theoritical physics James Gates has asked, “how could we discover whether we live inside a Matrix?” 

He suggests: “Try to detect the presence of codes in the laws that describe physics.” 

When he looked, Dr. Gates was surprised to find in supersymmetry equations what are called “doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting block codes.”

More simply, those are codes commonly used to remove errors in computer transmissions to make computer browsers work.

Prof. Gates asked, “Why were those codes in the equations that I was studying about quarks and leptons and supersymmetry? 

They could even be embedded in the essence of our reality. 

If this is the case, we might have something in common with The Matrix science-fiction films, which depict a world where everything human beings experience is the product of a virtual-reality-generating computer network.”

BUT keep in mind that the heroes of ‘The Matrix’ movies existed outside of the simulation in the real world.

At quantum level the reality seems not to exist if nobody is looking (like in a virtual reality computer game)-This ties into the double slit experiment where the observer influences the behavior of a photon.

Possibly the biggest problem with trying to discern if we live in a simulation is you just can not prove it.

Any test we design will itself be part of the simulation. 

Any evidence we find will be part of the simulation. 

Any arguments we use will be part of the simulation.

What is the link between deja vu and simulation theory? 

Déjà vu literally means “already seen” in French. Anyone who has experienced it can tell you it brings a strange sensation that you have already lived that exact moment in another time, although in most cases you can’t pinpoint the date or location. 

The idea that we live among millions of parallel universes containing millions of versions of ourselves carrying out our own lives with a diversity of different possibilities has always been a somewhat exciting thought. 

Déjà vu could actually contribute to this theory!Believers in this theory claim that the human experience of déjà vu can be explained by considering the unsettling feeling of having lived a moment before as a “crossover” with a parallel universe. 

This would mean that whatever you’re doing while experiencing the déjà vu, a parallel version of you is doing it in a different universe simultaneously, therefore creating an alignment between the two universes!

Glitch theory describes déjà vu as a momentary breakdown in our reality. 

Therefore, when déjà vu occurs, we are simply slipping into a greater level of consciousness where we are able to live more than one experience at the same time.This theory has wider implications, too. 

If déjà vu is really a glitch in reality, this may mean that damage to the foundations of our universe are created whenever an experience of déjà vu occurs.

But Deja vu might be a mismatch of memories or a short-circuit in the brain.

Déjà vu in healthy participants is reported as a memory error, which may expose the nature of the memory system. 

Some researchers speculate that déjà vu occurs due to a discrepancy in memory systems leading to the inappropriate generation of a detailed memory from a new sensory experience.

That is, information bypasses short-term memory and instead reaches long-term memory.

This implies déjà vu is evoked by a mismatch between the sensory input and memory-recalling output. This explains why a new experience can feel familiar, but not as tangible as a fully recalled memory.

Other theories suggest activation of the rhinal neural system, involved in the detection of familiarity, occurs without activation of the recollection system within the hippocampus. 

This leads to the feeling of recognition without specific details.

So its possible that there’s nothing supernatural about Deja vu, just as its possible that Deja vu might be from one of our past lives, or from an alternate reality, and some cases are our brains misfiring, and Deja vu is also a common symptom of a subset of epilepsy patients who consistently experience déjà vu at the onset of a seizure.

This is an example of why we should never settle for just one explanation for anything-We limit our ability to think and reason by only going with our emotions.

Einstein famously suggested that there is no such thing as time—that time is a human creation made to establish order and structure.

If time is a made-up convention, then what we believe to be the past, present, and future are actually all happening simultaneously. 

Time seems to flow in only one direction: forward. The universe marches along with increasing entropy, and time never reverses its direction. 

We cannot move backward.

But not everyone believes this is true.

In fact, some claim that time is cyclical. It repeats, or even flows in both directions. 

We, as humans with limited perception, don’t usually notice. Until we do.

One compelling idea is that our consciousness exists outside of our physical bodies in a higher dimension, and when déjà vu occurs, it’s actually a brief moment when that separation becomes clear. 

We become aware of the forward and backward flow of time, and realize we actually have experienced this very time and place before.

A Glitch in the Matrix

During one scene in The Matrix, Neo crosses paths with the same black cat twice within seconds. “Whoa,” he says famously, “Déjà vu.” What happens next is an interesting revelation: As Trinity explains, déjà vu is actually a glitch in the Matrix, indicating that the computer program they call life has been changed.

Here in the “real” world, some believe the simulation hypothesis may actually be true. We could, like Neo and his friends, be living within a simulated reality. And if that’s the case, perhaps we too suffer glitches on occasion, in the form of déjà vu.

Systems do tend to go down for maintenance, or require upgrades. If so, I can think of at least one other potential glitch they may need to sort out.

Instances of déjà vu on the other hand are used to support Philip K. Dick’s hypothesis given in his speech at the Metz Sci-Fi Convention in 1977 where he claimed that “we are living in a computer-programmed reality, and the only clue we have to it is when some variable is changed, and some alteration in our reality occurs.” 

He then famously claimed that the experience of déjà vu is our signal for knowing that something has in fact been changed.

On the other hand, its very possible that Deja Vu is a trick of of our brain, a memory illusion in which we think that we are reliving the same life again or have a glimpse from a past life or an existence in an alternate universe (or simulation)-déjà vu occurs when the frontal regions of the brain attempt to correct an inaccurate memory.

We don’t live in the world, we live within our perception of the world. 

Our experience of the world is filtered thru perceptive organs. 

Those perceptive organs introduce bias into our perceptions. 

The reality you live in then, is only an echo of the objective reality and sometimes that echo can diverge greatly from objective reality.

When we’re analyzing whether or not we live in a simulation, we have to be objective about our reality as in what is real versus what we want to believe is real to keep our sense of familiarity and equilibrium, such as if time is real or just a concept.

Time and the simulation-We age, we have memories and we see things created and worn away by the natural forces of our planet over the passage of what we call “time.”

Time is a concept created by humans, and often has different meanings depending on a situation/view point. For example, if a physicist/scientist was asked to “define” time they may say something to the effect of; Time is a linear measurement.

It is the perception of one object moving at a particular speed relative to the speed that the observer is experiencing.

Even if we do perceive some kind of flow, we cannot be certain that this corresponds to the

structure of reality. 

If there is illusion involved here, it seems to be an illusion of flow. 

If time exists, it likely would not be able to flow in the sense of a river, which is the most common metaphor. 

Because there is disagreement about what exactly, if anything, flows, and since we cannot see time – if it really exists – there is no way to tell what it is that flows. 

There can be different scientific theories, but we can only test them on things out in the world that we can see, and therefore we can only ever create a scientific theories and models of time itself.

Psychological time is emotional time. It is based on the continuous re-living of your past emotional experience in form of memories and continuous projections into the future in form of expectations. 

It’s a story of your character, your persona, in which future is the past, re-imagined. 

Whether you think of the past, or you think of the future, neither actually exist – these are just thoughts happening at the present moment. Notice that the same can be said about space – you perceive space, but you are always right here. But it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. You can move in space and you’re constantly moving in time.

Basically; time is an illusion as it is uniquely perceived and interpreted differently by each person.

Then there are those researchers who state that 

time is not an illusion. It is no more illusory than space is.

But it is also true, that you can never experience time directly. 

Time does not exist. It has neither energy nor mass.

So what time “really is” is simply change. 

All of our measurements of time are actually measurements of change—be it the ambulations of a clock’s hands, the rising and setting sun, or the fluctuating energy levels of electrons measured by atomic clocks.

A brain-computer interface simulated reality may be required to progress at a rate that is near realtime; that is, time within it may be required to pass at approximately the same rate as the outer reality which contains it. 

This might be the case because the players are interacting with the simulation using brains which still reside in the outer reality. 

Therefore, if the simulation were to run faster or slower, those brains could notice because they were not contained within it.

It is possible that time passes slower or quicker for brains in a dream state (i.e., in a brain-computer interface trance); however, the point is that they still function at a finite, biological speed, and the simulation must track with them. 

A virtual-people or emigration simulated reality, on the other hand, need not. 

This is because its inhabitants are using the simulation’s own physics in order to experience, think, and react. 

If the simulation were slowed down or sped up, so also would the inhabitants’ own senses, brains, and muscles, as well as every other molecule inside. 

The inhabitants would perceive no change in the passage of time, simply because their method of measuring time is dependent on the cosmic clock that they are seeking to measure.

For that matter, they could not even detect whether the simulation had been completely halted: a pause in the simulation would pause every life and mind within it. 

When the simulation was later resumed, the inhabitants would continue exactly as they were before the pause, completely unaware that (for example) their cosmos had been paused and archived for a billion years before being resumed. 

A simulation could also be created with its inhabitants already possessing memories as though they had already lived part of their lives before; said inhabitants would not be able to tell the difference unless informed of it by the simulation.

Before I go on-Think about what I just read-It is pure speculation thought out in a very narrow bandwidth of reasoning with not one erg of this reality being a spiritual simulation (if it is one);On of consciousness-Then there’s the simple argument of why would either an alien civilization or that created by our descendants could be bothered devoting so much time and resources to create a reality as flawed as ours?

What possible motivation would they have to do this?

The line of reasoning used by physicists, philosophers and other proponents of simulation theory is akin to atheists who apply human traits and human reasoning to disprove that there’s an ultimate source or creator.

Virtual Reality (Video Game) and Dimensionality

Using the video game virtual reality and dimensionality to support the simulation hypothesis, our simulations are obviously 2-D.

They may appear 3-D, but just like a hologram, they are really 2-D. And thus we too, assuming we are virtual reality beings in a simulated landscape, are really 2-D ‘existing’ under another illusion, that being that there is such a thing as depth and that we are 3-D entities in a 3-D really real reality Universe.

Free will: Do we have the illusion of being creative, thinking beings?  

Because if by some chance we exist in an illusion, it does not mean that we are not true souled beings with free will and agency.  

But our human bodies or avatars (if you will) are very base and limited in our ability to accurately discern the world around us-Look how easy it is to brainwash the masses with the simplest of lies.

“Free Will: The ways and means of making a personal decision / choice between two or more mutually exclusive options, totally free of any external or internal factors beyond your control.” 

You cannot have free will in a deterministic clockwork Cosmos-So if our reality is a simulation, then we have always had the illusion of free will-Happy thought, eh?

You cannot have free will even in a Cosmos that has quantum mechanics and randomness / probability at the core of reality. 

That’s because your decisions are ultimately then based on randomness / probability and so you still aren’t in control.

There are two main versions. 

There’s the “puppet on a string” scenario, akin to a video game where you are the puppeteer and the characters in the game are the puppets. 

Then there is the “cast your fate to the wind” scenario, where the programmer just sets out all of the initial parameters, hits “enter” and sits back and watches what unfolds according to the programmed laws, principles and relationships encoded into the software. 

This is a common scenario in many of our “what if” number-crunching research programs; modelling say climate change or economic outcomes.

Do the characters in our video games actually think? 

They appear to think. They appear to have consciousness and personality. They – our video game characters – act or behave in such a way as to simulate as far as we are concerned their ability to see, hear, etc. 

That’s partly what simulations are about. They simulate what we expect them to experience.

While software might not be able to simulate free will, it can certainly encode the illusion of free will. 

The easiest person in the world to fool is yourself, and the brain’s software gives you a big assist along that path. 

Your brain’s software, or the programmed software that controls your simulation, gives you the illusion of phantom limbs for example. 

Optical illusions are well known, and your apparent free will just cannot override those illusions even when you know they are illusions. 

There are also auditory and tactile illusions. Many of your memories have illusionary components. 

I’m sure that if you could somehow ask the characters in our video games whether or not they had free will they would answer “of course”.

In the Simulation Hypothesis we don’t actually think original thoughts or have free will – there’s no choices to be made; no decisions to be had. 

We don’t think of all possibilities, or all variables. 

We react, even if we react to what we think we’re thinking. 

What you think you think is all pre-programmed software. 

The characters in our video games don’t think. They react to the software that’s directing their actions. 

That again is the old “puppet on a string” scenario.

Assuming a really real reality instead of a virtual reality is that there is a part of your brain that ultimately controls your ‘Free Will’. 

It’s your brain’s “pleasure centre”. 

On the grounds that you will always tend to maximize pleasure and minimize pain (or unpleasant things), when you make a “free will” decision it is going to be a decision that will provide maximum pleasure or at least minimize displeasure, to your brain’s “pleasure centre”

I will state the following towards the end of this presentation: If we’ve zero free will to begin with, then why have the powers that run this reality bothered to dumb people down with lead, fluoride, and mercury?  

Why have they devoted so much time and energy experimenting with and deconstructing the human mind and body as to control it with addiction to drugs and alcohol, to TV, porn, fast food and video games?

Why does the TV have to put people into the hypnotic alpha state through its flicker rate?

If we live in a simulation with the illusion of free will, then why all of the massive effort to gas light us to begin with?

Why are there wirless technologies which literally control our minds and bodies at the subliminal levels, as I’ve learned with remote neural monitoring and voice to skull in our own inner voice? 

And alongside remote neural monitoring, why the hell should there be brain to brain or brain to computer interfaces to lock onto our minds if we never had free will in the first place?

Why put millions of people on psychiatric medications which blunt their emotions, lower their IQ, cause real emotional problems, weight gain and so much other misery?

Why use the tactics of fear and intimidation to get people to take the experimental Covid vaccine?

I just named a few glaring inconsistincies as to claims that we have no free will-Yes.  

I am aware that the myriad ways in which human beings can be brainwashed, mind controlled, addicted, dumbed down and made mentally ill might be a part of this complex simulation in which we might be existing in, but if you really think it out, none of this makes any sense.

Syncronicities and simulation theory

A synchronicity, or synch for short, is a strange coincidence that you’re meant to notice. 

Carl Jung defined them as meaningful coincidences, as two or more events that are physically unrelated yet somehow connected in a spooky or metaphysical way

 Quantum physics has proven that physical events are ultimately determined by metaphysical factors, meaning reality is shaped by consciousness which the double slit experiment claims to prove.

Synchronicities are one manifestation of that fact.

Something outside this reality, something beyond linear time, is needed if events are to deviate from their default outcome.

Without that metaphysical factor, everything would be mechanically deterministic. 

Everything would be mere material cause and effect, dominoes knocking down dominoes from the beginning to the end of time, with no surprises or deviations. 

For the dominoes to change direction and touch off a new chain, a hand must reach down and rotate one so that it falls into a new line. 

That’s what happens every time we exercise our freewill.

But just a little while ago, I read some arguments which state that we have no free will.

As long as you factor in some kind of spirit or soul (I know that they are supposed to be separate), this throws a wrench in both simulation theory and most of the arguments that say we have no free will.

But there are always convicing arguments which counter the idea that we have any true say in our destiny because we have the illusion of choice and agency.

Think about some of our current advances in technology.


With the advent and resurgence of virtual reality, the development of AI, and quantum computers, that allow god to play dice. 

Now think about the path that these developments will ultimately lead to. 

A reality. A generated reality, that would be so convincing, that your entire life could be simulated inside of one, and you would never know.

As it stands, you, your consciousness, are a brain, that generates a reality based on input and feedback. 

You have no way of knowing if your perception is the same or different than others, or what parts of your reality are just simply generated by your subconscious based on incomplete information.

Did those of us who are “awake” design this simulation and this is some kind of reality “amusement park” where we gave ourselves a memory wipe or were we tricked into coming here?

During the close to three years of the Covid madness, those who are awake have witnessed family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and most of the rests of the world lose their damned minds and there are some truthers online who continue to question if most people are organic portals, or non-player characters because they do not sense much if any true love and humanity is many of those whom they thought they knew well.

Just to do a quick metaphysical thought experiment, going by the concept of the reincarnation soul trap and that much of our lives are pre-determined before we experience birth, and assuming that we have some true free will, WHY were certain people born awake and why did some people get triggered into or being red pilled into waking up to the lies of this reality?  

Is it part of our character’s pre-determined life path or did we wake up on our own using our reasoning, heart, intellect, and spirit? 

Is it possible that those who indentify as truthers are the “real” people and most of the rest of the populace are background characters that we, the game players inserted into this program before we entered this very advanced video game-Or is the entire NPC topic based on lies and everyone in this world is a true, souled human being with most people still deep asleep in the matrix with a small percent of us who have woken up to the deception of this reality?

What I’ve covered so far in this presentation is one of many reasons why I do not commit to most conspiracy beliefs, and try to remain an objective observer-because there are too many moving parts to our reality and to make assumptions based on a lack of proof, but to believe something just because a deeply brainwashed authority figure or some other “expert” said it is both foolish and dangerous.

Great examples include: Believing in germ theory which leads to mask wearing, using hand sanitizers and getting vaccinated and/or taking antibiotics. 

Or without proof that a mind can be uploaded to a computer worrying that we might somehow be forced to upload our minds into a super computer and spend an eternity as part of a HIVE type collective.

And simulation theory is filled with inconsistincies, speculation and assumptions which often venture into science fiction (which I will get into in a bit in this script)-Keep thinking about the painstakingly detailed lies on Virlology which otherwise intelligent people in the medical research fields think is a true scientific basis for their beliefs.

One of the biggest errors truthers can make is to let their emotions overide their reasoning which I myself used to be guilty of-Every single argument for simulation theory diminishes or reduces the importance of human life to well, a video game character, and the same reasoning applies to how “experts” such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson use the infinite expansiveness of space and how the planet earth is a grain in the sand of creation which unconsciously makes people feel small and helpless, usually not struck with awe and wonder.

Close to everthing that I have learned online as a truther has had the elements of fear and drama, but rarely ever any closure to a given problem with almost no real solutions to better one’s life, and this is not by accident, becuase this entire system from schooling to religion, from TV, movies, politics and professional sports, to science, history, created social movements, how people interact and much more-Next to none of it has been to elevate and strengthen people, to show them that their lives have true purpose and meaning, and that they have some say in their destiny, or that the have far more control than they’ve been told that they have-So its very possible that at least a large part of simulation theory has been put out there to create feelings of helpless and inadequacy in those who read and hear about it online.  

The media, politicians, the medical and psychiatric industries, talk radio, news papers, magazines, all religions, and the online  alternative media influences the public at large to look to these agencies so that they can lead better lives, instead of looking within and working with like-minded people.

I realize that I went off on a bit of a tangent, but its important to point out that most of simulation theory has no basis in science, and I’m going to jump into why we do not live in a simulation in a little while.

To keep things a bit interesting- 

Here are just some of the movies which try to reinforce that we are living in an artificial reality BUT add how all of these movies have multiple interpretations.

‘The Matrix, The 13th Floor, Dark City, Ready Player One, Source Code, Inception, West World, Free Guy, Brainstorm, Videodrome, and Total Recall are examples.

In one of the Quora forums is a topic called ‘Glitch In The Matrix which are stories of firsthand accounts of some small but puzzling occurences for which no one has a logical explanation-So for those of you who want to read personal accounts of people who have experienced weirdness that lends credence to the simulation hypothesis, please check the link to Quora that Adam has down below in the show notes.

The name comes from the movie ‘The Matrix’ where a ‘glitch’ drew someone’s attention to the fact that they were in a simulation.

How can simulation theory be disproven?

There are too many things to simulate, because there are billions upon billions of humans to simulate, all with their own behaviour, their own moods, their own emotions. 

A miracle in itself to simulate, but also the fact that there are trillions, heck even more -illions upon -illions of physics objects to render, laws to impose on them such as gravity, friction and all the other ten dollar words. 

And this simulation would have to be simulating myself and simulating billions of other people doing similar things, simulating the weather, simulating animals and on and on.

Emotions are complicated, to elaborate on my last mentioning of ‘complex emotions’, the amount of processing power required to just simulate (I’ve said that word so many times it sounds funny now) a single human’s feelings would be unfathomable, just a single human could be feeling a wide variety of emotions in a single minute, heck, even in the same time. 

And there’s also the fact that this spans across the whole planet, if it were a simulation, there would only be a few basic emotions and no overlap.

If reality is a simulation, and all of its contents (physical and mental) are within the simulation, and therefore unreal, then the very thought of the simulation hypothesis is also within the simulation and therefore also unreal.

Secondly, all unreal simulations are based on real phenomena. 

Therefore if our physical and mental universe is a simulation, it must be based upon some alternative and real physical and mental universe (which in itself is an arbitrary division). 

However, for the beings of that reality, who have created an unreal simulation, there is now no reason to believe that their universe is real, so perhaps they are also in a simulation. 

This leads to an infinite regress of simulations.

As any serious student of logic or philosophy will know, an infinite regress is a sign that something has gone wrong.

The very premise that consciousness is a simulation is based on the materialistic view that consciousness arises from electro-chemical reactions and can therefore be programmed in a computer. It is important to know that despite this widely held belief, there is literally no evidence that consciousness is created in this manner, and this ties directly into how Transhumanists claim that one day they will be able to upload a human being’s entire consciousness into a computer even though there is next to no proof of how what we call life has arisen from clay or better said carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur.

Simulation theory is a complete house of cards, requiring the believer to ignore most of what makes up physical reality in favor of the idea that our descendants in the future will make simulations and because of that, we must be in one now. 

So at it’s very core, if you believe in simulation theory, you have to believe that something in the future that has no proof of having a chance to exist, let alone exist, does and that that’s why you exist now. It’s a mind game and nothing more.

There are arguments against simulation theory. Some of the most popular ones include:

There’s very little direct evidence for any aspect of a simulation theory, apart from how the universe seems highly coded/designed, which really could point to any number of theories.

An application of Occam’s razor: We don’t need the idea that we are in a simulation to explain anything, and it doesn’t make a difference if we are in a simulation.

The simplest explanation for the world we see around us is that it is reality. 

The fact that we can’t “prove” that we are not an extraterrestrial civilization’s terrarium does not mean that we need credit the idea that we are, for the same reasons as the fact that we cannot prove there are no elves means that we must credit their existence.

And its called “the simulation hypothesis” because its a theory entirely based on faulty assumptions:

Oxford defines a hypothesis as “a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.”

The truth is, there’s no valid foundation for this hypothesis to stand on.

People who believe in the simulation hypothesis often resort to a conception of probability called subjective probability. 

It involves saying things like “The simulation hypothesis is likely or probable”.

This is an inappropriate and misleading use of probability theory

Calling it a simulation is reductionist and relatable but far too complex an idea to fathom in this reality given the number of moving parts and abstract processes.

Why would we imagine we might be living in a simulation? 

Because we are unable to explain reality.

Look at the history or human thoughts on the nature of existence… unable to explain reality, we make up answers. 

Gods are one made up answer. 

Consciousness creates reality is another. Simulation is another.

What is wrong with these explanations of reality? They don’t actually explain it.

They DEFER the explanation to another phenomena, and so seem to answer the question, but in actuality do not.

Does simulation theory answer any questions? Provide any insights? 

Well, it would explain our reality. Somehow, in some “alternate” existence, the is some supercomputer, and we are all “Sims”. 

OK, then, this “alternate existence, where the supercomputer is running the simulation”… How does it work, does it have a universe, and stars and planets and people that made the supercomputer? 

And if not, then what does it have? 

A single white room with a computer in it? 

What is beyond the white room? 

What are the white room walls made of? 

What is the computer made of? Atoms, electricity, etc?

Simulation theory, like creationism, and “consciousness” “theory”, they are all the same. Cop-outs. 

Imagination in the place of knowledge and understanding. 

Answers that are not answers.

Yes reality is real. Not a simulation. 

And not some deities ant-farm.

Much of what the simulation hypothesis theorizes are not scientific questions and no scientific method of inquiry will ever be able to answer them. 

Science is the study of reality. 

If there is no reality, there is no science. 

It is impossible to use science to prove or reject reality. 

Reality is an axiom.

Anyone who cannot tell the difference between reality and illusion is not a scientist. 

Dreams are dreams of reality. 

Illusions are illusions of reality.

Fantasy is an imaginary reality. 

Take away the physical world and the mental world goes with it. 

Take away the mental world and the physical world remains. 

Consciousness is consciousness of reality. 

If you don’t know the difference between reality and illusion, then you cannot be conscious of either.

You may not be aware of it when you’re hallucinating or dreaming, but you know when you are not. 

A hallucination or dream may seem real, but reality cannot seem like a hallucination or a dream. 

If you really couldn’t tell the difference, then the words would have no meaning. 

The question of whether reality is real could not even be asked, much less answered.

The fundamental contradiction that reality might be unreal is also the flaw in the question: Is reality a hologram or an hallucination? 

A hologram is a projection of reality. 

An hallucination is an illusion of reality. 

While holograms and hallucinations are certainly real, what you think you are perceiving is not, whether you’re aware of it or not. 

A hologram or an hallucination of a fire won’t actually burn anything. 

Science is needed to tell us what we’re actually perceiving when we see a hologram or have an hallucination. 

Science is needed to explain how such phenomena function. 

Science is not needed to distinguish them from reality itself. 

The distinction is right there in the meanings of the words, right there in the nature of the phenomena.

We’re not omniscient. 

We can’t know everything, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know what we know. 2+2 will always equal 4. Every action will always have an equal and opposite reaction. Reality will always be real.

Let’s call out the simulation hypothesis for what it truly is: glorified science fiction.

The fact that we can record and measure these phenomena makes them objective and real. If gravity isn’t realthen neither are the ocean tides, sunsets, changes in season or GPS satellites strange

In order to say we are in a simulation, we are making guesses about the nature of the universe doing the simulating.

We assume computation is possible.

We assume there are intelligent beings.

We assume simulation of a universe like our own is possible.

Therefore, in order to say with any certainty whether we are in a simulated reality, we must first say that the parent universe operates by laws similar to those of our own. 

Let us assume that we are in a simulated reality.

Our universe is believed to be infinite.

Therefore, the parent reality must be capable of simulating an infinite universe.

However, we know that, under any laws we would recognize, representing infinite information requires infinite capacity.

Therefore, the parent universe must have infinite computing capacity.

This is not possible.

Therefore, by contradiction, our universe cannot be simulated by a universe we understand.

Therefore, we cannot make any conjecture about whether or not we are simulated.

We don’t know what consciousness is and there is absolutely no evidence that we or anyone else could implement it with a computer program. 

We can of course simulate behavior. We can’t implement a mind. 

The physics is ridiculously complicated for a simulation – We can simulate the ground states of simple molecules in quantum mechanics but large complex molecules are beyond us. 

It doesn’t make sense to make a simulation so complicated.

The ethics that our world is simulated is appalling if it is a simulation which simulates so much suffering, and an advanced civilization should have advanced ethics (we are going that way ourselves, more recognition of human rights)

If we really do live in a simulation, why are we able to think about it?

just because no one has developed a theory that encompasses all of reality, that dosent mean there isnt one

Most people are ALREADY living in a simulation (within a simulation?) because they believe all of the “news” they see, hear and read, and because of all of the other false beliefs which construct their reality.

A really good analogy of why we will never fully understand the nature of our existence. 

Think of how fish in an aquarium have no idea what is outside of their fish tank-Until our physical death we will remain ignorant of the true nature of this world, and although there are some esoteric researchers who attribute god-like knowledge and power to those who rule our world, these parasites do not know everything, and like the rest of us, their lives seem to be run by some kind of lifescript which involves Gematria and they seem to have to obey some natural law.

Secret socieities such as the Masons use coding in all of their rituals-But they did not invent mathematics.  They did not create whatever this earth is. They did not create all of the humans and animals which inhabit our world-But they HAVE tried to control all living and non-living things.

And this “need” to control every single person includes trying to program their belief systems with concepts and information that rarely serve the individual but try to advance one of the many inhuman agendas these parasites are pursuing at any given time.

How to exit the simulation (if we are living in one)

Exiting a simulation

Depending on the nature of the simulation it may be possible to exit by several methods, among them, waking up in the parent world (brain-computer interface) or through mind transfer from the simulated world into a biological or cybernetic body that exists in the parent world.

Second, we often assume that the “Out There” will have the similar laws of physics as the simulation (3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension), and sometime we will wake up as humans looking substantially the same as we did in the simulation. 

In fact, the metaphor of the simulation assumes that the “Out There” and the rendered universe have the same time dimension . 

But, there is no reason to think that when/if we exit the simulation that life will be substantially similar as here. 

There could be a different number of space and time dimensions.

There is no evidence and a hypothesis without evidence can and should be disregarded.

Due to the laws of physics, it is impossible to simulate a Universe such as ours within a computer within a Universe such as ours (Limits of computation). 

So a meaningful hypothesis for the Simulation “theory” would need to start with a detailed account of the laws of physics in the simulating Universe.

And there may not even be a “base reality.”

Because simulation theory may be just another very intricately-crafted psychological operation which has fooled not only many layman, but as with all scientific, medical, legal, psychiatric and other professions which require some critical thinking, all of those who work IN these professions are brainwashed to varying degrees.

And we most likely already exist in what is the “real world,” even though there are many inexplicable things that occur here which go into the supernatural and which quantum physics often has an explanation for.

Humans model what they think they perceive as memories and call it real. All models are wrong, but some are useful. 

Simulation is one of the primary functions of the human cerebral cortex so by definition human mental models are largely simulations. Since we are of the universe and not outside of it, it suggests that the universe, like we are such stuff as dreams are made on.

Simulation theory, like other materialist theorems, has built-in circular logic. 

For example, if the universe was created by an alien civilization, who created the aliens? Musk’s answer alludes to the fact that there is no “master intelligence” and that intelligence itself emerged from “the laws of physics.” 

But that isn’t a real answer, just a diversion, and it leads to the next question, who or what created these laws?

A similar discrepancy can be found in the Big Bang Theory: if the universe was created 16 billion years ago from nothing, who or what caused that event to be set in motion? 

Did the fundamental laws of physics exist before the material of the universe expanded? 

If so, what existed before? 

And why is it that conservation of momentum and energy—sacred principles within physics—ceased to exist at the moment of the big bang?

By the way, the big bang theory has been conclusively disproven.  

 Simulation Hypothesis is a variant of nihilism and atheism. 

Nihilism is a non-Christian belief that, in the end, “nothingness” prevails in a world that is totally meaningless.

Nihilism says there is no higher purpose in life, that life is simply futile. The word nihilism comes from nihil, a Latin root meaning “nothing” or “that which does not exist.”

It’s another randomness theory that seeks to “debunk” transcendent meaning, saying we’re all just simulants in a computer game.

One should be suspicious of hypotheses that arise from speculative fantasies or a desire for something to be true or from dogma, rather than organically from attempts to scientifically explain observed phenomena.

The Search for Truth

What explains all the observable phenomenon, in reality, is usually the simplest and true. This is what forms the basis of Occam’s Razor. 

The only difference is that unlike reality, the human mind can dissociate. 

It can pick and choose what to accept and in the process distort perception and the product of scientific study, knowledge. 

From this distorted place, we can concoct all sorts of theories that feel true from our limited point of view. 

Thus in our search for ultimate truths, we must not fall into the trap of thinking we know it all. Untested or unvetted assumptions will compound into significant errors that eventually make any resulting theory of everything untenable.

Errors in thinking plague nearly every field of science on Earth today. 

Assumptions about reality, which have not been properly verified, become sacred cows that block the imagination in its ability to transcend such limitations. 

We tend not to think outside of the boxes we place on our consciousness. 

Whether in a Big Bang universe or a Simulated reality. It’s a convenient yet mind destroying tactic to avoid the harder question, what if everything in life has meaning?

What if randomness isn’t valid at all, and everything we think, feel, and do has grand cosmic meanings that reveal universal values? 

Because everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that the controllers of our world do to control the masses is to make us feel as helpless and dependent upon them as possible.

I found the following on a Quora forum on Quantum physics being a pseudoscience, and nearly all of the people who answered the question backed up the validity of Quantum physics which by the way has been proven correct in many ways, BUT-

“Quantum Theory requires absolute faith in imaginary fields, many dimensions and nonsensical models to try to use mathematical constructs to justify its existence.

One such phenomena is the idea that nothing is real. It is all fields and only when an observation is made does this the physical nature become real. 

Quantum theory, is a theory not a law. 

There are many questions about what happens when particles interact. Quantum Theory is simply the math that calculates probabilities of matter and energy. 

It is not the actual physical process.

I already covered some of the following earlier in this presentation, but its well-worth repeating:

In a few of my presentations on The Crazz Files, I have covered what targeted individuals go through.

In the nine-years in which I’ve researched all things related to organized stalking, remote neural monitoring and DEWS and electronic harassment I have come across perhaps every published way in which the human mind can be controlled by using radio waves and microwaves, infrasound and ultrasound, brainwashing, mind-altering psychotropic drugs from LSD to Ayahuasca, DMT, Mescaline, and  Psilocybin, as well as all of the psychiatric medications which numb our minds while often blunting our emotions, then there’s are the many things which lower IQ from the vegan diet to lead to mercury, and organophosphate pesticides.

Then you have the flicker rate of the TV screen which puts people into the alpha state of hypnosis and you then there are the repeating lyrics in music which shape and control minds, there’s indoctrination from religions, public schools, the military, colleges and universities, there’s the many ways in which human beings are addicted through alcohol, drugs, video games, porn, junk food esp sugars and grains-And of course our very limited human minds are easily controlled by the multiple confirmation biases we have and by cognitive dissonance. 

And I have only named SOME of the things which control our unconscious minds, divert and distract our attention, dumb and numb us down and basically effectively turn most of the population into NPCs or HIVE minded zombies.

So why would the creator(S) of a simulation have to control its SIMS or NPCS through so many means using electromagnetism, chemistry and social programming and social engineering? 

There are far more things which prove that we do not exist in a false reality than the speculations that we exist in some kind of hard light hologram-And its is possible that we do exist in some kind of very detaield illusion but consider that both the mainstream and alternative truther medias have a very long record of lying-There are some absolutely brilliant and articulate disinformation agents and gatekeepers whose job is to keep you on one or more truther animal farms while giving you the illusion that you have freedom of thought and reason-Not ONE of these disinfo agents have ever admitted when they have been wrong, they never encourage people to do their own research outside of what they’re covering, such as Dane Wiggington never covering how the chem trail planes might be an extradimensional invasion instead of miltiary planes poisoning all of us.

Then there’s the transvestigation psy op which I myself fell for, and yes there are a LOT of men in dresses with makeup running around on the world’s stage, but MOST of women celebrities that have been called men are women.

The Mandela effect is a perfect example of a detailed pschological operation taking advantage of the myraid flaws in our memory in which we often confabulate or confuse one thing with each other because we usually overestimate our memories as we overestimate our intelligence.

Like all other truther topics pushed by this system, simulation theory offers very limited explanations of why we are not real-Its truly based on far more speculation than science and its obvious to me that simulation theory as presented was designed to make people feel small, helpless, and insignificant, looking to mental midgets like that bad actor Elon Musk to save us.

We may very well live in some kind of complex hologram or some kind of dream shared by our collective consciousness, or all of simulation theory is another very complex pseudo-scientific psychological operation as is virology, as is oncology, psychiatry, and yes, even some of the claims made by physicists are not true science. 

As people who are seeking the absolute truth, we owe it to ourselves to analyze it from every conceivable angle, and if some of what we learn conflicts with our belief system and causes us some emotional turmoil and pain, this pain will be short-lived and we will come out the other side wiser and more discerning and it will become increasingly easier to examine and process new information.

Several years ago, when I first began learning about simulation theory and the reincarnation soul trap, I did get a little worked up-As in having an existential crisis, but it was short-lived and I came out the other side with a much better and more balanced sense of how to be more emotinally distant or objective and using logic and common sense to approach all those topics which once caused me grief.

I have a You Tube channel for targeted individuals under my name, Scott Snitzer-When I first read up on remote neural monitoring, it rattled me a bit to realize that not only were many of my thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations were being controlled by radiofrequencies and microwaves, but that my mind was also supposedly being read non-stop, in real time at the speed of light.

But I quickly made peace with this and its helped ground me.  Why?  Because whatever exact remote influencing technologies have been used on me are being used on all living humans in this world-I have no doubts whatsoever.

So my point is that when you listen to a podcast, read an article or watch a video, ask yourself if the information that you are learning is objective and has some kind of proof to back it up, and I mean real proof.

If the article, podcast or video is trying to get to you by appealing to your emotions, then it is weaponized information, just as much of the Transhumanist agenda is weaponized information, just as most arguments for simulation theory are based on opinion, on speculation and not an honest, logical and objective approach.

A Glitch in the Matrix? Researchers Explore Déjà Vu—And How the Brain Can Sometimes Short-Circuit

Do parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.

Glitches in the matrix: Personal accounts of events that defy reality as we know it:

Free Will And The Simulation Hypothesis

Is Time An Illusion:

The Hidden Meaning of Synchronicities and Coincidences

Simulation Theory Debunked

Synchroncity Meaning and Quantum Origins

MIT’s Rizwan Virk on Simulation Theory, AKA Intelligent Design

Your Simulated Reincarnations And Resurrections

Do parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.

Sensa Agent.Com Simulated Reality


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