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Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

“Second Wave” COVID to Be Triggered by COVID VAXX

Opinion from Dr. Rima

Get ready for the (even more deadly?) COVID “Second Wave.” Morgan Stanley just predicted it, and now the mass media is warning us: the Second Wave of the COVID “Plan-demic” — scheduled for this coming winter — will be “worse” than the first. But wait! Those who follow CDC/WHO advice and those get their annual flu shot will be even more susceptible to COVID-19 BECAUSE of the flu shot! [1]

Take a look at what Morgan Stanley predicts (we added the red parts). And follow the money! [2]

When they breathlessly pray for the arrival of the COVID-19 vaxx, the pundits don’t tell you why the long-awaited vaxx (patented some 4 years ago, as we previously reported) will trigger the Second Wave. While the political commentary class may not understand it, holistic doctors do. They are the health care providers who seek to treat the whole person, not just to suppress their disease symptoms. They understand that suppressing the expression of problem is not the same as a “cure” of the underlying dis-ease. Of course, because of limitations on language, they work for an outcome whose name they dare not speak, lest use of the “C Word” cost them their licenses or their freedoms.

But the issue of Plan-demics goes quite far back in our history.

Let’s examine the last truly devastating pandemic: the Great Influenza “Spanish Flu” Pandemic of 1918/1919. Historical evidence shows, despite what we think we know about it, the actual pandemic was triggered by the then new, experimental live virus vaccine given to US soldiers just before they were shipped off to Spain for “war games” on their way to the battlefields of World War I. These war games included exposing the experimentally-vaccinated soldiers to poison gas “for training in gas mask use”.

They had been shipped to Europe in dirty, overcrowded, dank and filthy troop ships for weeks, further weakening their already compromised immune systems. Then, suppressing the body’s natural means to defeat the virus, the fevers that this vaccine evoked, with Bayer’s new “miracle drug”, Aspirin, led to a more serious resurgence of the now overwhelmed immune system by the countless viral replications, the body of the previously healthy person, given Aspirin to suppress the flu fever so they could continue to fight or work or care for children, etc., the “Spanish Flu” that killed more people than died in the First World War itself was born. [3]

It is interesting to note that the experimenter in the military vaccines was the Rockefeller Institute, founded by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Bayer Pharmaceutical’s controlling interest was held by John D. Rockefeller. John D. Rockefeller, one of the wealthiest men in the world, much like Bill Gates, was also a committed eugenicist who was directly responsible for the sterilization of tens of thousands of Americans and introduced eugenics to Germany.

It is worth wondering if this population culling of dozens of millions of able bodied persons in the prime of life was also a plan-demic.

The Spanish Flu first wave in the United States was mild and, according to some studies, resulted in community immunity, or cross protection, that protected people from the second wave of the pandemic that killed so many more.

“In the influenza pandemic of 1918, those who got sick in the first wave of illness were up to 94% less likely to fall ill when the second and much more severe wave struck, according to a new analysis of historical data” [4]

What does this tell us about the 2020 declared plan-demic?

First, that isolating us from each other by shutting down the economy and by the stay-at-home orders have stunted the normal response of healthy immune systems. That means that these ill-advised actions have prevented the development of strong community [NOT herd] immunity to whatever degree it might have occurred under a more reasoned and sensible approach.

For example, helping the more vulnerable (the elderly and people with underlying illnesses) to self-shield or, better yet, recommending the use of, and providing strong and effective immune boosters like Nano Silver 10 PPM, zinc, Vitamin C and D, etc., for those most vulnerable would have been sensible, non-disruptive, positive moves by our various levels of government.

Second, Morgan Stanley has telegraphed the expectation of the corporate elite – clearly visible when just look closely at their graph (reproduced above) — the Second Wave will start about two weeks after the rushed-to-market COVID vaccine is given to health care workers who will then start shedding the virus in hospitals and clinics.

Viral shedding spreads communicable viral diseases and, yes, vaccine viral shedding is very real. [5]

In fact, viral shedding secondary to any viral vaccine presents a serious risk which should concern us all. The fact is that anyone who receives the vaccine will actually be helping to trigger the Second Wave. The likely consequence? An even more destructive and irrational second lock-down likely to plunge the world deeper into depression and disease.

Vaccines have been held by our courts to be “unavoidably unsafe.” Doctors know that all vaccines are risky but some tend to brush aside patient concerns as if they did not know it.  Major risks include serious adverse reactions, including death or life-long illness, getting the disease “against” which you were vaccinated and, of course, shedding viral particles that will inevitably spread the very disease the vaccine is supposedly designed to prevent.

Where there is risk there must be choice.

Most people believe that doctors swear an oath to Do No Harm. In fact, very few do and even fewer conduct their practice of medicine with that at top (or even bottom) of mind.

Every doctor is, however, bound by both law and medical ethics to respect the Informed Consent of the patient. When “public health” becomes the adversary of individual wellness, when the medical authorities push public health measures that endanger individuals, both medical ethics, national and international law is abundantly clear.  And it must stop before we and everyone else on the planet are endangered.

The Wuhan strain of the weaponized coronavirus originally created in a lab in the United States can, in vulnerable people, create a Cytokine Storm that will rapidly lead to death. Renowned surgeon, Sharif Sultan, MD, has shown the Cytokine Storm generated by the virus is disastrously, and incorrectly treated by standard medicine.

“COVID 19, SARS2 is not ‘pneumonia’ nor ARDS. Through the current experience across the world, invasive ventilation is becoming the last resort, as emergency intubation from the Chinese, Italian and American experience had higher mortality, not to mention complications from tracheal scarring and stiff lung during the duration of intubation. Furthermore, a new treatment protocol needs to be established in order to control the prolonged and progressive hypoxia of COVID19…. Until we create a solid protocol for managing our sick patients, and understanding why, chloroquine and invasive ventilation, had failed, as both could not bail out our oxygen starving patients, the only available option is symptomatic relief. Stay safe, and self-isolate.” [6]

COVID-19 works its damage by generating a “perfect storm” — a Cytokine Perfect Storm, that will result in a resurgence of a disease which already overwhelmed the global medical system and halted the world’s economy.

Many doctors are offering their advice to the public during this trying time. My advice is based on my understanding, to quote Pasteur’s last words:  ‘The germ in nothing’ — the immune system is everything. [7]


  1. Build a powerful immune system.

(a) Use Nano Silver 10 PPM, which has been shown, in vitro, to support normal cell membrane integrity — and it is your cell membrane that is your last line of defense against the COVID virus adhering, penetrating and replicating. No replication, no disease.

(b) Supplement with Zinc, D3, K2 and lots of Vitamin C.

  1. Assert your right to control your own body and therefore your response to the declared plan-demic.

(a) Obtain your Advance Vaccine Directive card and use it — assert your Informed Consent or it will be ignored when the magic vaxx appears in a few months. If you allow yourself to be vaccinated you will be part of the destruction that follows.

(b) Implement enhanced hygiene, recalling that it was hygiene, sanitation and nutrition which defeated all the pandemic diseases of the past two centuries. It is time the world got back to its normal business. But wash your hands!

Self-shield sensibly if you need to, feed your immune system, reject illogic, no matter how often it is repeated and stay safe!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation 

3 thoughts on ““Second Wave” COVID to Be Triggered by COVID VAXX

  1. @Adam It would be good to do a podcast on this especially how to obtain a card etc the protocols so to speak so one can remain vaccine-free and not be forced into it. ie the steps to take what to say, what not to say etc..just a thought.

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