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Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

The Suicide of Europe: The use of the word “racism”


Mass migration is not, as it seems, an organic emanation of humanity from poor countries, but a calculated project to repopulate the territory of the declining West, with racism its chief instrument, wrote John Waters.

In a two-part series titled ‘Europe’s Death Rattle’, John Waters explores mass migration with reference to Stephen Smith’s book ‘The Scramble for Europe: Young Africa on its way to the Old Continent’.

Part I discusses – as the culmination of a long-time plan – a global calamity of food scarcity, due to Covid measures and ‘sanctions’, which will cause record numbers of mainly African migrants to enter Europe seeking food.

As Waters’ articles are longer than most would read in one sitting, we are breaking Part II, headed ‘Open Borders, Shut Mouths’, into shorter sections and publishing them as a series titled ‘The Suicide of Europe’. This article is the third in our series.

The use of the word “racism”

The chief instrument of this ruse is the use of the spell-word ‘racism’ to intimidate the indigenous populations of Europe into silence in the face of their own obliteration. In this process, the word is used as a cultural cattle-prod to humiliate and punish those who dissent or protest, isolating them from their fellows as examples of nefarious defenders of past injustice and wrongdoing, and purported continuing harmful discrimination.

It is an objectively astonishing thing that the fear of being sanctioned with this word is sufficient to outweigh even the inevitable consequences, which include the loss of just about everything Europe has achieved, promised and stood for, as well as the personal cost, which amounts to the existential and metaphysical homelessness of the successors of each European currently answering to that categorisation.

In the past decade and a half, this process of humiliation has been greatly assisted by the existence of a profoundly corruptible system of telegrammatic and instant messaging, by which the contrived ‘sentence’ of — purportedly, but not really — public opinion could be transmitted at degrees of speed and multiplication as to become unanswerable.

At the peak of the last major European migration crisis in September 2015, Chancellor Merkel of Germany asked the Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, what he could do to stop European citizens from writing criticism of her migration policies on Facebook. ‘Are you working on this?’ she asked. He assured her that he was.

For all their pretences of ‘compassion’, the Western authorities do not simply issue policy mandates and throw their borders open. Instead, they maintain the pretence of secure borders while allowing in those who make it through the often hazardous obstacle course of the illegal people-trafficking process, as though imposing a kind of ‘survival of the fittest’ ethos on those seeking to make it to the West.

The pretence is for public consumption in their own countries, camouflaging — if only marginally — that the borders of Europe are in actuality as open pores. The result is that some migrants die along the way, but this, channelled through the mendacious Western media, serves to increase the conscience pangs of the ‘host’ countries, thus making the strategy more effective and even less liable to criticism.

Ireland as an Example

Let us take a brief look at Ireland as a typical example.

At the start of the Ukraine conflict — which, to be clear, was provoked by the behaviour of Ireland’s ‘allies’ in NATO — the Irish Government announced that it would accept an unlimited number of migrants allegedly fleeing the war in that country. In fact, no vetting of applicants was carried out to ascertain whether they fell into this category, which meant that the war was used by sundry uninvolved aspirants who used it to negotiate whatever remains of Irish vigilance against the exploitation of its hospitality.

Within a short time of the commencement of a massive campaign of bullying and moral blackmail, in which the Irish population were lectured about their ‘responsibilities to Ukraine’ and informed that they would have to prepare to make enormous sacrifices to fulfil these alleged responsibilities, it became clear that most of the refugees coming in under the Ukraine war rubric were not from Ukraine at all.

Photographic memes of the ‘refugees’ arriving in various rural communities went viral, showing local worthies posing with their adopted ‘Ukrainians,’ most of whom looked about as Slavic as me.

The Telegram vlogger Philip Dwyer made a video of himself interviewing ‘arrivals from Ukraine’ at Dublin Airport, attracting the attention of airport security dogsbodies clearly intent on preventing him from talking to any of the ‘refugees.’  When Dwyer persisted in speaking to the new arrivals, the reason became clear: most of those he encountered were from Kashmir. Although the official line was that the only people arriving were women and children and men aged over 60, the average age of the males spoken to by Dwyer was about 30. ‘You’re very young lookin’ for your age, if you don’t mind me sayin’ so,’ observed Dwyer drily.

Whenever the issue of numbers was pressed, Government spokespersons would mention a figure of 200,000, though almost invariably adding that there was no plan to cap the number of ‘refugees’.  When you multiply this figure by the average factor of 20 that has been applied under the heading of ‘family reunification’ for many years, you get a figure amounting very close to a doubling of the present population of Ireland.

By early June, it was reported that in the region of 40,000 ‘Ukrainians’ had arrived and been settled in accommodation, and this while a decade-old homelessness crisis among the indigenous Irish continued unabated.

The Ukraine psy-op may in time emerge as an ‘emblematic event’ that encapsulates the entire journey of Irish would-be ‘multiculturalism.’

About the Author

John Waters was a journalist, magazine editor and columnist specialising in raising unpopular issues of public importance.  He left The Irish Times after 24 years in 2014 and drew the blinds fully on Irish journalism a year later.

Since then, his articles have appeared in publications such as First Thingsfrontpagemag.comThe Spectator, and The Spectator USA. He has published ten books, the latest, Give Us Back the Bad Roads (2018), being a reflection on the cultural disintegration of Ireland since 1990, in the form of a letter to his late father.

The above is an extract from his article ‘Europe’s death rattle, Part II’.  You can read Part I HERE.  Follow John Waters’ work by subscribing to his Substack HERE.

The Suicide of Europe: The use of the word “racism”

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