Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

HIV & AIDS – Fauci’s First Fraud


A deadly new virus is discovered…there’s no treatment or cure…it’s highly contagious…everyone is a potential victim…the world is at risk from asymptomatic super spreaders…new clusters of cases reported daily…

Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable…positive antibody tests are called “infections” and “cases” even when the patient has no symptoms…every politician gets involved…media hysteria in high gear…activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma…

Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research…simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed……presumptive diagnoses…exaggerated death statistics…falsified death certificates…

Covid 2020?


AIDS in the 1980s.

Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” CoVid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud.

Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won’t be after you see this film.

This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story.

Share widely.

Demolishing the AIDS fraud is one of the keys to undermining the CoVid Con and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world.

Bitchute link


AIDS – A Second Opinion (2001), Gary Null & Associates

AIDS Inc. (2007), Gary Null

AIDS: The Unheard Voices (Dispatches series) (1987), Meditel Productions/Joan Shenton

AZT: Cause for Concern (Dispatches series) (1991), Meditel Productions/Joan Shenton

Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS (2003), Gary Null

House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009), Brent W. Leung

Perspectives on the Pandemic (Episodes 3, 4, 5) (2020), Journeyman Pictures/Libby Handros & John Kirby

The Age of AIDS (Frontline) (2006), PBS/Renata Simone

The Other Side of AIDS (2004), Robin Scovill


1 thought on “HIV & AIDS – Fauci’s First Fraud

  1. Yes, the Perth Group of researchers also showed convincing evidence that the AIDS was not caused by a virus.

    Moreover, the entire virology industry is a fraud. Viruses do not exist; what researchers find under the microscope is cellular debris.

    Read up on the exosome theory of “infectious” disease, which btw is also a myth – we build disease, we do not “catch” it.

    For a quick insight into the virus myth, read Dismantling the Theory:

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