Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

The Holocaust Is Not Just A Lie, It Is A Crime


By Jürgen Graf

Published 1997

It is a crime because it not only justifies innumerable other crimes, but because it creates a huge mass of hatred, which in turn contains the potential for new crimes.

People whose souls have been drenched in the hatred of the Holocaust Lie must be counted among its victims. This includes the millions of twelve to fifteen-year old school children dragged through the memorials of former concentration camps, often weeping uncontrollably at the atrocity stories and lies vomited up at them.

How much suffering, how much heartbreak, how many tragedies are due to the so called “Holocaust”, this hair-raising Lie of the Century, which the jews invented, crammed down our throats, and have defended tooth and nail, with fines, with abuse, with imprisonment, for over half a century?

It is painful to think of the thousands, indeed tens of thousands, of people who have been humiliated, persecuted, imprisoned, or even executed in the name of this shameless swindle.

It is pathetic to see the once-great German people, having lost its pride, its sense of direction, its self-respect, to such an extent that it no longer dares to defend itself against a flood of slander and is too ashamed to look itself in the face.

One single mention of the “gas chambers”, the extermination of the jews, was enough to justify purging entire cities and provinces of their German population. Almost 17 million people were driven from their homes between 1944 and 1948 in an unbroken series of atrocities during which over two million died.

“After what they did to the jews, they had it coming to them,” is the classical justification.

It is truly disgusting to think of the millions of people all over the world watching Marvin Chomsky, Claude Lanzmann, Steven Spielberg and all the others — Holocaust, Shoa, Schindler’s List, etc. — in the cinemas, on television — and taking it all seriously.

The jews invented a story which they’ve called the Shoa or the Holocaust, and which they now claim is the history of their people.

The Holocaust money-making machine has brought them such tremendous advantages, that they can no longer live without it. But they made one fatal error: the Holocaust swindle is so endlessly absurd that its inventors can only take refuge in a suicide charge; having lost all sense of proportion, they have gone too far and will soon come crashing down.

To suppress all open debate on the subject appears an impossibility in the long run, despite all manner of repression.

From minor explanations to wholesale re-writing, including whole new “Revised Versions”, the profiteers of the myth continue to entangle themselves in increasingly greater numbers of contradictions; the fables of today contradict the fables told yesterday; the defenders of the official version of history are being compelled to make so many concessions that more and more people are starting to wonder about it all.

Doubts expressed in private conversation no longer shock as much as they did a few years ago; it is getting easier for revisionists to gain a hearing.

In brief: for the exterminationists, the time is running out. Increasingly hysterical repression is an unmistakable sign of growing panic.

It is also a sign of weakness.

Instead of listening to the discussion, they simply grab for a truncheon. But how long can they get away with it?

The revisionists must not hope for quick victory; it will not come overnight. They should remember the wisdom expressed in the phrase from the Czech philosopher, Karel Capek, who said:

“Truth must be smuggled. It must be distributed in small doses. A drop here, a drop there — until people get used to it. Not all at once.”

At a time when the Lie appears to be triumphing without hindrance, we would like to close with an optimistic message. We wish to make the following appeal:

All of you, all friends of the truth, both known and unknown, from many European countries, those who, like Günter Deckert and Gottfried Küssel, sit in German and Austrian prisons for “denying the existence of the gas chambers,” or who have been compelled to go into exile like Remer and Rudolf, all persecuted revisionists and nationalists — do not lose your courage, since your struggle against state-ordained lies is not in vain.

Your courage, the sacrifice of a few, will help to free entire nations and peoples, including the German and Russian peoples — from the darkness which has so long covered them.


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