Crazz Files

Exposing the Dark Truth of Our World

MERRY XMAS OR HAPPY HOLIDAYS …what’s the bloody difference?

The far Left clearly wants all reference to Christmas abolished. Okay, so they don’t believe in Christ, so what, Merry Christmas has nothing to do with Christ or Mass for that matter, and to be traditionally merry is to be stone drunk. 

“Happy Holidays” is to wish someone enjoyable “holy days”, the latter being more religiously venerated. … but the Left usually gets everything arse about tit anyway!

“Merry Nondenominational Seasonal Festivity”, as the idiot Greens prefer, doesn’t really have a joyous ring to it, and it’s hard to explain the meaning to confused kids.

Christmas is the re-named Pagan mid-winter festival of Saint Nicholas (contracted to Santa Claus) it has nothing to do with the birth of Christ nor does Easter have anything to do with his resurrection.

Easter is the re-named Pagan fertility festival of the Goddess Oestra (thus the female hormone oestrogen, Spring, rapidly breeding rabbits, fertile eggs and all that stuff) nothing to do with Christ or his fabled resurrection.

So what is the Left trying to do? Banishing “Merry Christmas” is about banishing getting drunk and banishing a bloke who had nothing to do with Christmas, so isn’t that all a little counterproductive?

Two excellent reasons to abolish the Senate

I couldn’t give a stuff! All I care about is seeing my kids’ faces on the morning of December 25. It’s a celebration of something and I don’t bloody care what! Each year they get to decorate a tree and prepare for Santa’s chimney entrance and they try desperately to stay awake to witness the event. But they always fall asleep and all they see is that the empty glass of milk and two biscuits they left for him are gone by daybreak.

Then it’s off to frantically open their presents before the whole 40 strong family arrives with enough tucker to feed an army. And we do sort of get a little merry until we all flake in a heap.

So Senator McKim, and your fucked up idea of banishing Christmas, please come around to my joint next Monday and you might see what Christmas means to real people who have real kids.

And bring the rest of your ABC regulars, those gangrenous, homosexual Greens, including that cosmetically challenged communist, Lee Rhiannon, with you ‘cos I have a couple of 6 foot 6 inch sons who have a lovely Christmas present for you all,

… a turkey and cranberry sauce knuckle sandwich.


2 thoughts on “MERRY XMAS OR HAPPY HOLIDAYS …what’s the bloody difference?

  1. Unbelievable! If you are not a homosexual, you best learn to dress like one and act like one or be ostracised. Cultureless marxist days off from the everyday bankers slavery. Happy Yuletide / Chistmas to those who still value culture.

  2. In the stark truth of history Christmas has nothing to do with a Christ.
    Today, Christmas or Xmas, is merely a profit purge by the Corporations and the dregs are picked up by our resellers who, greedily, stack the prices.
    Nothing spiritual about that but what concerns me is when the Sodomites start swapping Santa for the Beast!

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